Couple shopping for wedding giftsThe biggest perk to getting married is getting to start your life with the person you love, but everyone loves the gifts that come along with it! Whether your wedding was large or small, you probably received quite a few gift cards, checks, and wedding presents. The thing is, even if you made a registry, there is a chance you received at least a couple of duplicate wedding items, household items you don't need, or perhaps things that simply aren't your taste. It can be overwhelming trying to decide what to do with these items. They will take up unnecessary space in your home if you don't use them, so here are some ideas about what you can do with those wedding gifts you don't want or need.

Gift Receipts

Hopefully, many of the wedding gifts have come with a gift receipt. It's a pretty common thing to include one just in case the item isn't what you were looking for. This should make returning it to the store easy. For bigger stores like Walmart and Target, you may find you have multiple items to return. Don't return the items until you have gone through everything and sorted through what you are keeping and not keeping. Then, organize the pile of stuff you want to return according to the store each item is supposed to go to. This will save you from multiple trips to the same store. You may be surprised at how much money you can rack up returning the items you aren't planning on using. You can then use this money to shop for items you did not receive.

Try to Return Them

If the gift didn't come with a gift receipt but you still know which store it came from, you may be able to return it. Different stores have different policies, so it may depend on the store you return it to:

  • Some will let you return a certain amount of merchandise a year with your driver's license. Typically, there will be a cash limit or a certain limit on the number of items that can be returned in one calendar year.
  • Some stores are really lax with their return policies and will let you return just about anything in exchange for a gift card. The only potential downfall to this is that if the item you are returning has recently gone on clearance, you will likely only receive a small amount for it.
  • There are a few stores that are very picky with their returns. If you don't think the person who gave you the gift would be offended, you could ask if he or she still has a receipt so you can return the item.

Sell It

What happens when you don't know the store an item came from, or that store won't accept the return? Depending on the item, you may try selling it. You may be able to make a decent amount of money on items such as new silverware sets, kitchen appliances, and electronics. While it's unlikely you will get the full value of what it's worth, it's better than receiving nothing at all for it.

Give It Away

Of course, it isn't ideal to just give your items away when you are hoping to use the money to purchase something else you need. However, the fact is some items aren't going to sell. If you can afford it, try giving it away. Depending on the item, there are likely many families who would greatly appreciate donations of new items to replace their worn-out ones.

Getting rid of wedding gifts you don't want or need can be a hassle, but these steps should make it a little easier. Don't forget to write thank-you cards for everyone, even if the item you received was not something you ended up using.

Category: Ceremonies Marriage

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