Yikes! I’ve Been Asked to Perform a Wedding!

Here is the scene: Your two best friends, who never do anything like anyone else, have surprised everyone by deciding to get married. And why not, now that they can? Of course, it will be a wedding like no other, and the ...

Category: Get Ordained Wedding Planning Perform a Wedding Become Ordained

perform a wedding minister

How to Fill out a Marriage License

]A couple has asked you to perform their wedding ceremony. You are honored, and take the necessary steps in order to become an officiant by becoming an ordained American marriage minister. The ceremony is planned, a loca ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

Marriage Finances Guide

Marriage Finances and Money Personalities Along with their other personality traits, newlyweds come pre-wired with views and behaviors toward money. Because of temperament, the way they were raised, and/or situations th ...

Category: Wedding Planning Perform a Wedding

Getting Ordained for a Wedding

Online Ordination: The Fastest Way to Legally Wed If your best friend or beloved family member has asked you to preside over their ceremony, getting legally certified can be quick and stress-free. With today's technolog ...

Category: Get Ordained Minister License Perform a Wedding Become Ordained

wedding minister

How to Marry Someone

Perform a Wedding with Confidence and Grace Wedding ceremonies are ancient traditions joining together the lives of two people who have chosen a partner to share memories, a family, and struggles with. While some couple ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

Wedding Vows from best weddings!

What to Do When Struggling With Writing Your Wedding Vows Your wedding is a very important day. Everything that you do and say is likely to be ingrained into your memory and the memory of your significant other. This is ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

How to Perform a Wedding Ceremony

The Variations in How to Perform a Wedding Ceremony When it comes to how to perform a wedding ceremony, there doesn't have to be a cookie cutter approach. Of course, whoever officiates at the ceremony will need to be or ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

Using Get Ordained™ for Wedding Season

Wedding season approaches, which means the time to become a minister on Get Ordained™ is now. Many couples prefer the personal aspect of having a friend who has been ordained perform their ceremony rather than a mi ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

wedding officiant

How to Perform a Wedding

Perform a Wedding as a ULC Minister The most commonly-performed ministerial service provided by Universal Life Church ministers is the solemnization of weddings. Any ULC minister can perform a wedding in 48 U.S. state ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

ULC Universal Life Church wedding officiant perform a wedding

Use Get Ordained™ to Perform Weddings

Why You Should Use Get Ordained™ To Become a Minister You can officiate wedding ceremonies for friends and family or even complete strangers if you become ordained through Get Ordained™ and the ...

Category: Get Ordained Perform a Wedding

ULC wedding officiant