Getting Ordained for a Wedding

Online Ordination: The Fastest Way to Legally Wed If your best friend or beloved family member has asked you to preside over their ceremony, getting legally certified can be quick and stress-free. With today's technolog ...

Category: Get Ordained Minister License Perform a Wedding Become Ordained

wedding minister

How to Marry Someone

Perform a Wedding with Confidence and Grace Wedding ceremonies are ancient traditions joining together the lives of two people who have chosen a partner to share memories, a family, and struggles with. While some couple ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

Wedding Vows from best weddings!

What to Do When Struggling With Writing Your Wedding Vows Your wedding is a very important day. Everything that you do and say is likely to be ingrained into your memory and the memory of your significant other. This is ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

How to Perform a Wedding Ceremony

The Variations in How to Perform a Wedding Ceremony When it comes to how to perform a wedding ceremony, there doesn't have to be a cookie cutter approach. Of course, whoever officiates at the ceremony will need to be or ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

Using Get Ordained™ for Wedding Season

Wedding season approaches, which means the time to become a minister on Get Ordained™ is now. Many couples prefer the personal aspect of having a friend who has been ordained perform their ceremony rather than a mi ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

wedding officiant

How to Perform a Wedding

Perform a Wedding as a ULC Minister The most commonly-performed ministerial service provided by Universal Life Church ministers is the solemnization of weddings. Any ULC minister can perform a wedding in 48 U.S. state ...

Category: Perform a Wedding

ULC Universal Life Church wedding officiant perform a wedding

Use Get Ordained™ to Perform Weddings

Why You Should Use Get Ordained™ To Become a Minister You can officiate wedding ceremonies for friends and family or even complete strangers if you become ordained through Get Ordained™ and the ...

Category: Get Ordained Perform a Wedding

ULC wedding officiant