Common Wedding Cake Traditions, Unboxed

As you and your future spouse decide what sort of delectable sweet treat you’ll offer to your wedding guests, you’ll probably encounter some typical traditions involving wedding cake. There’s a reason b ...

Category: Wedding Planning Marriage

weddings receptions

Avoid These Common Proposal Mistakes

The decision to get married can be an exciting one to make with your significant other. Of course, it all begins with the proposal. While a conversation beforehand is the norm these days, the proposal is still the &ldquo ...

Category: Wedding Planning Marriage Society

weddings culture future

Why You Should Continue Dating After Marriage

Once the wedding has come and gone and your honeymoon is over, you may have settled back into your routine. The two of you have likely gone back to work and started dealing with the stresses of life and money again. Whil ...

Category: Marriage Society

culture future

Smart Planning Tips for Unmarried Long-Term Couples

In our society, marriage is often considered an end goal for most adults, the final and logical destination for romantic partners who invest in their long-term relationships. However, some choose not to get married for a ...

Category: Marriage Society

culture future money

Unpacking the “Zilla” Stereotype

You’ve probably heard the terms “bridezilla” or “groomzilla” by now, both used to describe people who become obsessive and demanding during the wedding planning process. While the derogatory moniker is mostly s ...

Category: Wedding Planning Marriage

wedding day

Increase Your Wedding Luck With These International Customs

Whether or not you consider yourself to be a superstitious person, there is nothing wrong with hoping for a bit of good luck on the day of your wedding. For as long as marriage has been around, brides and grooms have bee ...

Category: Ceremonies Marriage Society

weddings culture

Beyond the Veil: Selecting the Right Bridal Veil

Veils are a piece of headgear that have seen a number of uses across the world. Historians place the invention of the veil sometime in early human history, with examples being found in the ancient texts and artwork of Me ...

Category: Wedding Materials Marriage


Planning a Summer Wedding? Keep These Tips in Mind

Statistically, spring weddings are reported to be the most popular option amongst couples tying the knot. Still, marrying in the spring is not as convenient as many would hope. Since venues throughout this season book fa ...

Category: Wedding Planning Marriage

weddings receptions

Wedding Facts You Might Not Have Considered

As far as traditions go, weddings tend to be overloaded with rituals of all kinds. While culture or religious beliefs will often dictate the specific customs of a ceremony, some practices simply linger because people eng ...

Category: Marriage Society

weddings culture

Signs of a Cheating Spouse

No marriage is perfect. No matter how much two people love each other, every marriage is going to go through ups and downs. There may even be times when you're wondering whether you made the right decision by marrying th ...

Category: Marriage

culture future