Audio Matters: Sound Advice for Your Wedding

As you’re pulling the details of your wedding together, it’s easy to overlook one crucial item: sound quality in your venue. While you may have a beautiful ceremony in mind, your guests will miss out if they ...

Category: Wedding Planning Technology

weddings receptions money

Simple Ways To Find Your Spiritual Center

Life can often be harsh and unforgiving. For every wonderful victory you experience, you are bound to have a crushing defeat. While no one really looks forward to these low points, they can be crucial to becoming a stron ...

Category: Society Loss Technology

culture grief

Use Tech to Your Advantage While Planning a Wedding

Technology has completely transformed the way most people go about their daily routines. While you might not be someone who knows how to code or build a computer from scratch, you still most likely use your smartphone or ...

Category: Wedding Planning Technology

weddings future

“Creator, Does This Unit Have a Soul?”

Is there life after death? We have pondered that question about ourselves and our animal companions for millennia. Now, the same inquiries are being posed about androids, robots and other kinds of artificial intelligence ...

Category: Society Technology


Downloading Ourselves: Can Human Consciousness Live On Inside Computers?

Speculative fiction has repeatedly asked the question of whether the human consciousness can live on after death in this plane of existence. Technological aids for extending life, as well as the potential consequences of ...

Category: Society Technology

culture future