Using Technology to Plan a WeddingTechnology has completely transformed the way most people go about their daily routines. While you might not be someone who knows how to code or build a computer from scratch, you still most likely use your smartphone or similar devices on a regular basis. If you are planning for a wedding, then you definitely want to make sure you are taking advantage of what technology can do for you along the way. While you might already be aware of some of the apps geared toward planning and scheduling your nuptials, there are some preliminary steps that might help.

Before you start downloading all kinds of apps and calendars and endless inspirational images, you are going to want to build a solid foundation. Using tech to your advantage is more than simply using the right apps. Follow these suggestions and see what works best for your plans.


No matter what apps you plan on using, you definitely want to make sure you have everything compiled in the same spot. Organization is key to planning a wedding. Unfortunately, it can be easy to lose sight of important information when you have everything spread out across a number of different platforms. Condensing all vital data into one easy-to-access location is one of the more important steps you should take. In fact, it makes sense to start your planning journey by selecting a place to store your data.

In the current day and age, sharing files is easier than ever before. You and your significant other might find it is best to create an account somewhere you both have access to. A shared cloud storage drive, for example, can be a wonderful idea. The cloud can typically be accessed from anywhere and allows people to upload and download data almost instantly. If you discover dozens of pictures you want to share with your partner without sending them via text, you simply need to upload them to the cloud and they are immediately available for viewing.

Separation Helps

Thinking about the future from the right perspective can also be useful for your planning. While you might want to sign up for each and every mailer from vendors and wedding design blogs, you have to think about what this will do after your wedding. Even though you might have walked down the aisle and returned from your honeymoon already, you will still be getting email blasts and promotional messages from all of these vendors and sources. To avoid this scenario, make sure you take action in the right way.

Creating a separate email address for the purpose of planning your wedding can be a spectacular idea. Having this unique address will allow you to give a consistent email to all possible vendors, helping you avoid a situation where emails are split between multiple addresses belonging to you and your significant other. You also will be less likely to drown in endless promotions from vendors when you opt to use a separate account for all of your planning needs.

Photograph Everything

Finally, you can get a lot of use out of the camera on your phone. Though you and your partner might be stressed from planning, it can be fun to document some of the planning phase by taking photos now and again. The time leading up to your wedding is going to go by like a blur. You’ll appreciate these photos later when you actually have the time to sit down and look back on everything you had to complete before you could get married.

Using technology to your advantage is a must when it comes to planning a wedding in the modern age. Find the right apps for your needs and get the process started in the best way possible.

Category: Wedding Planning Technology

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