Begin Free Online Ordination

Should Pastors Have Luxury Items?

Mega Church pastors often come under fire for their high salaries, extravagant purchases, and use of private jets. Does their excessive wealth come with God's blessing or should church leaders face closer scrutiny?

Category: Society Church

minister culture money legal finance

Should Christians Ignore the Commandments in the Old Testament?

Some are arguing that the Old Testament is outdated and that the 10 Commandments have little relevance to a modern day Christian's life. Are the lessons present in The Sermon on the Mount a good replacement?

Category: Society Church

culture religion

Talking About Tithing From the Pulpit

Pastor Dave Ramsey has recently suggested that church leaders refrain from asking their less financially stable congregants to tithe. What is the biblical origin of tithing, and is it still applicable in the modern era? 

Category: Church

culture future money

Can an Atheist Lead a Church?

Priests and preachers who have lost their faith might seem like a rather novel concept-- but it's a lot more common than you think. When a religious leader loses their belief, can they still lead their congregation?

Category: Society Church

minister communication relationships religion

Is It Time to Pull the Catholic Church's Tax Exempt Status?

Churches receive tax-exempt status so they can serve their community with fewer financial restrictions. But with recent reports of rampant abuse in the Catholic Church, is it time to pull their tax-exempt status?

Category: Society Church

culture future legal

Should Hotels Include Bibles in the Rooms?

While they were once common, over the last decade Bibles have disappeared from hotel rooms. As technology improves and international travel becomes more widespread, is the hotel room Bible still necessary? 

Category: Society Church

culture communication religion

Can Christianity Be Political?

What is the appropriate intersection of Christianity and politics? Some say believers should keep their beliefs out of the ballot box, and others suggest their religious inclinations should inform their votes.

Category: Society Church

future communication religion

Attending a Christening? Observe These Etiquette Tips

In many Christian sects, christening is one of the first significant events in someone’s life. While christenings are typically held when the person is an infant, they’re ceremonies infused with meaning for b ...

Category: Ceremonies Church

minister Baptism religious ceremony

Giving to the Church Under the New Tax Code

No matter which side of the political aisle you sit on, you’re probably wondering how the new tax code will affect you. The time for debate is over. We’re stuck with it until Congress reevaluates and implemen ...

Category: Church
