Dead Rose Signifying LossLosing someone close to you can be paralyzing. Death is hard to accept, no matter how old you might be or how used to loss you might think you are. While it can be hard to move forward, there is comfort in knowing you are not alone. Other people are right beside you, going through the same emotional ups and downs. It also can be comforting to realize people have been dealing with loss such as this since the dawn of time. Death is nothing new and people across the world face it on a regular basis.

Taking a broad look at the planet and the many different cultures found on it might prove useful during this difficult time. Each culture has a different way of approaching the idea of death. While you probably already have your own way of mourning those who have departed, it might be helpful to take a look at how other people confront the weighty idea of loss. 

As Below, So Above

Western civilization has a very specific view on death. While there are going to be differences in ritual depending on the religious beliefs of the departed, most of these customs have common ground. For example, it is very common for the body of the deceased to be buried underground. In fact, the idea of allowing a body to remain above the ground might seem somewhat absurd to most people from Western cultures. Still, there are some interesting alternatives to this mentality. 

In Mongolia, one ancient tradition moves away from the idea of buying a body beneath the dirt. Ancient Mongolian traditions have the body of the recently deceased kept outside and exposed to the elements. This tradition allows the body to remain outside and return to nature in the sense that animals and insects might consume the deceased and return the person to nature. While some Mongolians follow the practice of burying the dead, plenty still follow these ancient traditions and allow the departed to become one with the natural world once more.


Time is a very interesting factor when it comes to death. Some cultures state that a body cannot be put into the ground for a specific amount of time after the individual’s death. Other traditions dictate that a person must be buried immediately. This is the case for some cultural beliefs in Iran. Followers of Islam in Iran are strict with how they bury their dead. According to rites and rituals, a body absolutely must be in the ground within one day of the person’s death. This might seem fast but the mourning process lingers.

After the burial, Iranians will follow a complicated process of mourning that lasts for a set amount of time. Typically, mourning periods are about a year and have significant dates mixed in. For many, the third day after the burial is a very significant day. This is the day people set aside to memorialize the departed. The seventh day after burial is also significant because it is the first time that relatives and friends visit the grave of the deceased. The final day of importance is the one-year anniversary of a death, where the mourning officially ends. 

Grieving and Believing

It is often very difficult to deal with the loss of someone important to you. Still, there is a lot of comfort that can be found in remembering that human beings have been dealing with death since as far back as recorded history goes. By examining how those in other cultures handle loss, you can give yourself a broader perspective on the topic. You might even be able to discover a technique that helps you to cope during your own difficult times and accept loss in a healthy manner.


Category: Funeral Ceremonies Society Loss

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