Relaxing Indoors on a Cold DayWhen winter hits, many people find themselves hiding away indoors from the chill of the season. Unfortunately, it can be easy to feel a bit of “cabin fever” when a vast majority of your time is spent inside. If you’re looking for ways to stay entertained throughout the cold season, now is the perfect time to explore indoor date ideas. These simple solutions can be perfect when you want to indulge in a little bit of fun but have no desire to brave the weather to make it happen.

Sandwich Date

A good sandwich is hard to beat. There’s something innately satisfying about being able to put an array of meats, cheeses, and veggies between two slices of bread. The next time you’re looking for an activity to enjoy as a couple, consider a “sandwich date.” This is pretty much what it sounds like. Grab all of the ingredients you require to make amazing sandwiches, lay everything out on the kitchen counter, and assemble your meals together. On a particularly cold night, make some soup to go along with the sandwiches and stay nice and warm. 

Spa Trip

The winter has a way of ravaging the body. The cold, dry air of the season can easily cause skin to crack and lips to chap. One fun way to combat the impact is by having an at-home spa day. There are a ton of personal care products that can help make this happen. From bath bombs to exfoliating masks, you can easily discover an array of product options online or at your local drug store. Light some candles, turn on relaxing music, and feel refreshed together.

Movie Marathon

Staying in to watch a movie is a very common activity in the winter. If you’re looking to make the experience a bit more exciting, consider a movie marathon. Instead of putting on one movie or streaming several episodes of a television show you enjoy, select a number of films that fit a specific theme. They can be movies from the same series, by the same director, or loosely connected through a similar subject. You can take this idea as far as you’d like. If you’re watching horror movies, for example, you might want to dress up in scary costumes. 

Create Art

Consuming food and watching films can be nice ways to spend a winter night, but you also may feel inclined to create. There are few actions as satisfying as making something out of nothing. Having an art night with your partner can be a fantastic way to connect to your creative sides and make some seriously cool stuff. Look online for ideas, and grab whatever materials you might need in advance. You may also find it easier to lay out a bunch of random supplies without a specific aim in the hopes of seeing what creations you come up with.

Dance Party

Not all indoor ideas need to be quiet or relaxing. In fact, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with cranking up some music and engaging in a little dance party. The winter makes it very easy for people to feel stationary and still. By turning on your favorite music and grooving all over your home, you are getting a small workout and are likely to feel invigorated afterward. Whether you slow dance, mosh or twerk, there are countless song options out there to help you feel engaged and alive on a cold winter’s night. 

While winter is a season that can cause serious cabin fever, it doesn’t mean you need to give up on fun date ideas. The next time you and your partner are looking for an activity, be sure to think about how you can turn a night inside into a magical and comforting experience.

Category: Society

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