Couple Toasting at DateLosing a spouse can be a very terrible thing to endure. Whether you were together for 50 years or only had a few short months before your spouse's passing, it can be a difficult thing to come back from. You may feel incredibly lonely and unsure of how you are going to move on. The bad news is you will probably never fully recover from the loss of your spouse. You will always miss him or her, and there will likely be days even in the distant future when the pain is overwhelming. The good news is that things do get easier. As time goes on, you will learn to live without your spouse. It may be hard, but life does go on. You may eventually feel ready to reenter the dating world. With the emotions that come with losing your loved one, it can be difficult for a widow or widower to start looking for a partner again. Here are some tips to hopefully make it a little easier.

Go At Your Own Pace

There is no right or wrong time to start thinking about dating again. Some people are ready just a few months after the loss of their spouse, while others can't even consider the possibility for years. Neither of these reactions means you didn't love your spouse. The fact is, your spouse is gone, and you may feel the desire to share your life with someone else so you aren't as lonely. There is no expected timeframe for when this desire hits, so use your own timeline. If you don't feel comfortable dating yet, then it's fine to wait. At the same time, if you feel ready just a few months after the loss of your spouse, that's ok too. Don't let yourself feel guilty no matter what you decide. Your partner would want you to be happy, so use that as your driving force to find happiness with a new life partner.

Rediscover Yourself

After being married for a while, it may be hard to remember what exactly you are looking for in a relationship. You may have no idea what your type is. While this certainly shouldn't be the only criteria for finding a potential date, figuring these things out can help you find the person that might be right for you. If you are religious, then you may prefer to find someone who shares the same beliefs as you. Ask yourself these questions beforehand so that you can familiarize yourself with what it is you are looking for.

Ask Friends

Ask friends if there's someone they might know who you could potentially date. Blind dates can be intimidating, and some of them end in disaster. At the same time, many of them go incredibly well and lead to marriage. If you trust your friends enough, then see if they are willing to hook you up with someone.

Look Online

Online dating has really taken off in the last few years. There are many dating sites and apps that may help you find your potential perfect match. The great thing about online dating is that you are able to find out a lot about the person before even meeting him or her. This can be highly beneficial if you have a pretty good idea of what you are looking for in a person.

Dating after losing a spouse can be hard. You may be feeling a wide range of emotions, such as:

  • Guilt
  • Fear
  • Excitement

These emotions are normal and should not stop you from finding your next potential love. Remember that if the tables were turned, you would want your spouse to be happy, so try to find that happiness for yourself.

Category: Loss

grief communication self care relationships

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