Man at a FuneralDealing with loss is never an easy journey. When someone close to you has passed away, it can feel like you are left with a void in your heart. For people with anxiety, this also means having to deal with large crowds of strangers and friends alike when attending a funeral. Social anxiety can make it difficult for people to get through crowded events and funerals are no different. While you may wish to pay your respects, your fears might be telling you to stay home and forget all about the services. 

Overcoming anxiety before a funeral is not a small task. While you might need to speak with a professional on the topic, there are a couple of simple points to keep in mind. Focus on some of this advice and see if it can help you to take the first steps toward attending an important funeral in your future.

The Sadness Factor

There are many different reasons why a person might not wish to attend a funeral. One of the more common reasons has to do with the sadness that can be found at the event. People feel awkward around others when they are grieving. This is especially true when you are attending a funeral for someone you did not know very well. Wanting to be at the funeral to support closer friends and relatives is important but it can cause your system to panic. To get through this, think about making it a quick endeavor.

Being around people who are mourning can be a lot to handle. Instead of attending a funeral for the entirety of its duration, you might want to make a small appearance. Try and attend a wake or viewing, if applicable, and make the visit one that is over and done within a short amount of time. This will help you to get through the services without having to be surrounded by overwhelming emotions for too long. Simply being there for any length of time will mean a lot to the people who are experiencing the loss. 

Viewing the Body

Attending a wake or service with an open casket can be quite stressful for many people. The idea of seeing a deceased body is not one that most people are excited by. In fact, a large number of people out there experience serious panic attacks when they are put in a position where they will have to view a body. This can make attending a wake or similar event incredibly difficult. To get through this fear, there are a couple of options that will be presented to you.

For one, you can remind yourself that you do not need to approach the body at all. In most cases, a wake will be filled with visitors looking to show their respects. When you enter, you can go right to the family members to express your condolences and forget all about walking towards the casket. No one will mind if you slip right into the back for fifteen minutes and then head home. This can help you to make an appearance without feeling like you are having an anxiety attack over viewing the body.

Overcoming Fears

Death can be quite frightening to most people. When someone you know dies, it has a habit of making you confront your own mortality in ways that you did not expect. This means you are going to want to focus on your own anxieties before opting to attend any of the coming services for the departed. Speaking with a therapist about the subject can also help to introduce you to options for how to move forward.

While death might be natural, it can still produce anxiety. Learn about all of the different ways to approach a funeral and overcome your anxiety and find the tactic that works best for your situation.

Category: Funeral Loss

funeral grief

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