Hearts in the form of a speech bubblePeople feel love in different ways. Knowing how your spouse feels love can help ensure that you are showing him or her love in the right way. Of course, love is one of the most important aspects of marriage. Some believe that people have something called love languages. You may be able to pinpoint your own and your partner's love language, but if you can't, there are quizzes online that can help you figure out what it is. Some people have one love language that they feel very strongly, while others may have two or three. Here is a look at the five love languages.

Words of Affirmation

Some people feel the most love when they are being praised. You might know of some people who seem to thrive on compliments, while they don't matter to other people. The people who enjoy being praised likely have the love language of words of affirmation. This means that saying things like "I love you" may mean more to him or her than to someone who has a different way of feeling loved. If you think that your spouse's love language is words of affirmation, then here are a few ways you can take advantage of that:

  • Take a few minutes to let your spouse know the things you like most about him or her. This could be physical features, personality traits, or simply some little quirks.
  • Let your partner know when you appreciate something that has been done. This might be saying thank you for taking out the trash, showing appreciation for letting you sleep in, or expressing how much it meant to you when he or she dropped off the dry cleaning.

Quality Time

Some people feel the most loved by their spouse or partner when they are spending quality time together. This might be catching a movie, playing a game, or simply having a nice conversation. The trick to this, though, is that it has to be quality time. If one person is distracted by something such as his or her phone, then this doesn't count. If your spouse enjoys quality time, then make sure you carve out a little bit of time each week to spend together as a couple.

Physical Touch

Some people are touchy-feely. They enjoy hugs, kisses, and cuddling. The act of giving a hug can mean the world to them. If this is your spouse, then it's probably pretty self-explanatory what you need to do. Do things like cuddle when the two of you are watching television, and give him or her a hug before you leave for the day.

Acts of Service

Have you ever done the dishes for your spouse without asking and been surprised at how much it seemed to make him or her happy? Does your partner seem to really appreciate when you do things for him or her? If so, then your spouse's love language may be acts of service. This can be anything from bringing home dinner to doing a few chores around the house.


Some people really like receiving gifts. It isn't necessarily because they are materialistic or like having stuff, but simply because you giving them a gift shows that you were thinking of him or her. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant, either; the small things can mean just as much. If this sounds like your spouse, make sure you don't forget to give a gift on your anniversary, his or her birthday, and other holidays.

These are the five main love languages. You may find your spouse is one of these, or perhaps a combination of several different ones. Figuring this out can help you make sure you are loving your spouse in the right way.

Category: Marriage

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