Tropical HoneymoonHoneymoon trends come and go, but some gain serious staying power. As eco-friendly weddings grow in popularity, couples also look for environmentally friendly travel solutions. Thanks to their increasing appeal and growing awareness of climate change, green honeymoons have gone from niche fad to mainstream option. Planning your getaway takes a little work, but you’ll enjoy your journey while reducing your environmental impact.

Eco-tourism and Green Honeymoons

If you’ve researched green honeymoons, you may have heard of ecotourism. The International Ecotourism Society describes it as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people, and involves interpretation and education.” While environmentally friendly options don’t always involve eco-tourism destinations, there’s a little bit of overlap between the two. Several principles underpin the ecotourism concept, prioritizing key values such as conservation, minimizing impacts, and respect for indigenous cultures.

As ZME Science founder Mihai Andrei points out, ecotourism is also a complex concept. Participation requires some level of awareness from tourists. Resorts, tourism companies, government agencies, and independent organizations may work on their own to minimize impacts and support local communities. However, it’s vital to stay aware of your potential impacts on your destination’s environment and community.

Choosing Responsible Options 

In his ZME Science piece, Mihai Andrei also mentions that some companies use “ecotourism” as a buzzword to attract travelers. That’s why it’s important to research your options. Andrei cites the Washington Post’s Christie Wilcox, who revealed that some of these excursions put people, wildlife, and habitats at risk. By avarice or carelessness, they cause more harm than good.

Rough Guides contributor Helen Abramson stresses responsible tourism, which also takes into account individual impacts from traveling. Some principles behind it align with ecotourism and sustainable tourism: supporting and respecting local cultures, preserving ecosystems, and avoiding damage to infrastructure. Rapid development to accommodate tourists can siphon resources and damage habitats. Local communities may never see any of the money spent by visitors. Even traveling by air generates greenhouse gases, accounting for about 2.5% of global CO2 emissions.

Selecting Your Honeymoon Experience

When researching green travel packages and destinations, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, remember the primary goals for your honeymoon experience. You certainly want a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but you must also consider affordability and the environmental effects left by your travels. Brides writer Jen Glantz advises working with your partner to choose a destination and limiting potential options to those that fit your budget. Don’t forget to account for out-of-pocket expenses and weather conditions at your desired location.

In her Rough Guides article, Abramson provides more advice for picking your destination. Select tour companies that hire local staff, pay decent wages, respect and work with local communities, and follow a “leave no trace” policy. If possible, select eco-friendly hotels or stay with local hosts. Once you’re there, be mindful to respect the culture and support its economy by spending your money at locally owned businesses.

If your destination requires air travel and you want to mitigate your carbon output, you have some options. You may have heard about carbon offsets, designed to help fund emission reduction projects. Offsets can be purchased through providers like TerraPass to compensate for carbon-producing activities. Wired’s Jack Stewart recommends choosing direct flights to reduce your output. He also mentions that many airlines with international flights have agreed to begin offsetting their emissions by 2021. Airline Geeks lists airlines that backed the United Nations’ recent emissions offset proposal.

Making a Difference on Your Honeymoon

Embarking on an eco-friendly post-wedding trip is a laudable goal. However, your outcomes rely on wise decisions. Many companies use the “ecotourism” label, so it pays to do your homework. For best results, pick an affordable experience that minimizes your impact, respects the indigenous community, and benefits the local economy.

Category: Technology

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