Holding a Candle at a FuneralSlideshows or remembrance videos are a great way to acknowledge the life of the dearly departed at a funeral, memorial service, or homegoing celebration. Some people choose to have these visual presentations play in the background at the beginning or end, while others make them a part of the program. Computer programs such as PowerPoint and Google Photos make it easier than ever to create a presentation to celebrate the deceased. If you’re responsible for creating a slideshow or video, consider these tips.

Choosing Photos

A funeral slideshow or video should honor the entire life of the person who has passed. If possible and appropriate, try to include photos from every stage of the person’s life. You may need to reach out to family members for childhood images. Look for pictures that reflect the person’s personality and passions. For example, if the deceased loved playing baseball as a hobby, add photos of the person playing if available. It’s important to exercise good judgment here, as some stages of a person’s life may not be appropriate for these purposes. 

Using Your Words

Although a picture may paint a thousand words, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t include words. Adding captions to photos is a nice way to add interest to your visual presentation. A funny photo can help create a sense of comfort, but a caption indicating date, location, or other info helps to flesh out the life of the deceased. This is especially useful if there are attendees who didn’t know the departed at that stage of life.

Adding Recordings

Are there audio or video recordings of the departed? Sometimes hearing a familiar laugh or seeing the dead person during a happy time can make your presentation extra special. Many people have sayings or other quirks that their loved ones associated with them when they were alive. Adding audio and video clips injects the person’s personality in a way that can be heartwarming and comforting to those who grieve.

Including Stories

Many people love a good story, and retold stories of late persons keep them alive in our hearts and minds. Maybe there’s a funny tale from a spouse or best friend. Perhaps the deceased did something extremely brave or kind. A short clip can be fun to include in your video. Again, exercise wisdom here. A personal anecdote involving wild adventures in college may not be appropriate for that person’s surviving family, especially younger listeners.

Getting Creative

A slideshow or video doesn’t have to include only photos of the deceased. Almost anything that the late person considered meaningful is appropriate for your presentation. Was there a sports team or movie that the person loved? Maybe there was a favorite song by a favorite artist or group that could serve as the background music. The point of the presentation is to acknowledge the person’s life, so including the things that they loved is quite fitting.

Prioritizing Simplicity

Remember that this is a slideshow or funeral video, not a feature presentation. Resist the temptation to load up on special effects and other flashy features that distract from the focus. The more advanced features you incorporate, the bigger the risk of technical issues during showtime. This is especially true if the presentation is supposed to run in the background.

Keeping It Short

The length of the slideshow or presentation is also important. A good rule of thumb is to keep it under 10 minutes. Background music can help you keep it short. Two songs of average length should be fine for most situations.

Funeral video presentations help honor and celebrate the life of the dearly departed. A thoughtfully curated slideshow reminds attendees of happier times and can provide some comfort to the bereaved.

Category: Funeral

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