An Outdoor Wedding
After getting engaged, you and your partner may have spent many long hours discussing the details of when and where you wish to be wed. The preliminary planning phase of your wedding will probably be the most enjoyable. The excitement of getting engaged will most likely fuel your conversations, allowing you and your partner a chance to come up with some interesting ideas. Unfortunately, there are some thrilling thoughts that need to be examined a bit closer before they become finalized details of your big day.

Sitting down and thinking over the specifics on your wedding plans can be a useful way for you to come up with what will and won’t work. When you are thinking about an outdoor wedding, for example, there are a few details that can easily slip through the cracks. Consider these points for your outdoor wedding and increase the odds of avoiding disaster during your celebration.

Weather or Not

Tying the knot in the splendor of the great outdoors often makes for a lovely idea. The beauty of nature will provide the perfect backdrop to the events of the day. Still, the weather has a way of shifting into strange patterns without much warning. Planning an outdoor wedding is difficult because the weather can easily ruin your ideas. If there is a big storm announced for the day of your summer wedding, then all of your dreams could be washed away in the coming onslaught.

Instead of allowing your day to be ruined by forces beyond your control, it is a far better idea to be prepared. While you may not be able to stop a force as powerful as weather, you can easily formulate a backup plan. Consider having a “Plan B” for a scenario with intense weather. Simply having a second idea for the event of bad weather can help you to keep yourself moving in a positive direction during your wedding. 

Tiny Problems

The weather is one of the larger concerns to focus on while planning your outdoor wedding but there are much smaller issues to deal with. In fact, some of the obstacles you stand to face are so small you might not even see them. Nature might be beautiful but it comes with plenty of little critters. Bugs can turn your special day into a nightmare within a short amount of time. Depending on where you live, you could be running the risk of holding your reception in an area where gnats and other small insects tend to swarm.

Since you don’t want your relatives and friends to be swallowing little pests with each bite of their meal, doing your research in advance can make a difference. Take a look at reports on which insects are in high numbers and at which times during the year they tend to be the most active. By planning your wedding at a time when bugs are less present, you will be helping yourself immensely in regards to the enjoyment of the day. 

Know the Rules

Finally, you need to know the rules of the grounds where you plan on holding your wedding. You and your partner might be very set on a specific spot for your special day. Still, a quick glance at the regulations set forth by the property owners might show you that you cannot do most of the things you would like. It is best to look over all of the rules a venue puts out before you sign any paperwork. Nothing will upset your wedding more than learning at the last minute you can’t serve liquor on the grounds.

To guarantee your special day goes off without a hitch, take your time to think through the details. Outdoor weddings can be a lovely option, especially if you are careful and pay attention to the weather reports, when bugs are most active, and the various rules and guidelines that come along with the territory.

Category: Wedding Planning Ceremonies Marriage

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