Family WeddingThe idea of the modern family differs greatly from what generations of the past might have believed. Nowadays, it is much more common for people tying the knot to already have children from previous relationships, and this is known as a blended family. Nuptials for such a group can often be a bit different than a traditional wedding. Many couples want to highlight that two separate families are now coming together as one, which can offer a number of fun activities and features for an event. Consider these tips and find the best way to celebrate your new family unit.

Paint a Picture

The guestbook at a wedding is a feature often overlooked by many couples. For the blended family, this provides a perfect opportunity to showcase the joining of two groups. A “blended-family painting,” for example, is a perfect alternative to the traditional guestbook. Instead of having guests sign a book, offer brushes and paint before a large canvas. As each guest enters the reception, he or she is allowed the chance to add a mark to the painting. In the end, you’ll have a work that perfectly captures how each person at your wedding has come together to create something beautiful. 

Include Everyone

A blended wedding is about more than just the couple. The children involved in the marriage will also have to get accustomed to a new way of living. To make the transition easier and get the kids excited about taking this next step, be sure to give each member of the family a role for the wedding. Assign tasks that give kids a sense of importance, helping them feel connected to the event in a tangible way. 

Be sure to pick the role based on the child. If you’ve got older kids, it makes more sense to have them do readings or walk you down the aisle instead of playing the part of ring bearer or flower girl. Having a discussion about what each person wants to contribute can also make the process feel more of a collaboration than a chore. 

Incorporate a Variety of Traditions

Families coming together from very different backgrounds can often prove to be challenging when arranging wedding plans. Depending on religious and cultural beliefs, each family might have very different opinions on what the final event will look like. The best way to please everyone is by finding a happy blend of customs. Though it might seem difficult to combine the rituals of a Baptist wedding with those of a Hindu ceremony, anything is possible when groups come together with a willingness to create an event both new and fitting. 

Many families will also include a unique ritual that represents the joining. One of the more common ideas is pouring colored sand from separate jars into a single vase to see how the grains come together seamlessly. If sand isn’t exciting to you, the same idea can be accomplished with jellybeans, marbles, or anything else that captures the general concept. 

Make the Photos a Family Affair

While wedding photos are predominantly about the happy couple, you absolutely want to include the kids when taking pictures before a blended event. This is a perfect chance to get a family photo while also taking care of pictures for your nuptials. Not only will the whole family feel happy to be included, it will provide you with a great shot of the whole group that can be hung in your new home together right away. 

Though blended weddings are more common these days, the idea is far from new. Marriage is always about joining two families, and blended affairs simply make this aspect more obvious. As long as you include everyone in the fun, you’ll be sure to find a strategy that helps your big day come to life the way you envisioned.

Category: Wedding Planning

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