Meditating at WorkThe world can seem a bit crazy these days. The news always seems to offer up something sensational or upsetting and social media can be a minefield of people shouting opinions back and forth without listening. Since people are connected to each other more than ever before through the internet, it can be difficult to tune out all of the noise and find serenity. Learning how to unplug and destress requires a bit of dedication and a whole lot of patience. Luckily, it is entirely possible to find some peace when you need it.

Give yourself a moment to explore these simple suggestions on how to calm your spirit. Learning how to remove yourself from the madness of the world every so often can do wonders for your feelings of wellness and, in turn, your mental and physical health.

The Root of the Problem

First, it is important to address the root of your stress. If you find yourself feeling very anxious whenever you’re aimlessly scrolling through your phone, then you need to take time away from the internet. This can actually be a difficult habit for many to break. The best way to go about disconnecting for a little while is by turning your phone off, putting it in a drawer, and going off somewhere else to be by yourself. Studies show that keeping your phone nearby, even when off, can make you feel the intense need to check it.

The internet might not be your problem. Life can be stressful for a number of reasons. If your job is giving you frustration, take a day off to clear your head and reassess. This first step toward realizing what is giving you anxiety can be a very important one to take, though it is not always simple. If you don’t know why you’re stressed, take time to be by yourself and sit with your thoughts. See if having time alone brings anything to the surface. The more you take time for yourself, the more you’ll learn about yourself.

Breathing It Out

When you’re dealing with a moment of intense stress or anxiety, you may not know how to find stability. Catching and regulating your breath can make a huge difference to how your body processes stress. During a very stressful moment, you want to focus on your breath as well as you can. Take steady breaths in through your nose, letting it slowly out through your mouth. This pace can be very helpful for providing your body with ample oxygen and keeping your systems running without feeling overstimulated.

While breathing is definitely helpful for certain situations, there are more intense moments of anxiety that might not be so easy to control. If you feel like you are having a panic attack, breathing is only going to help so much. You also want to take time to visit with a health professional to discuss what you experienced and find the best possible solution to avoid further anxiety attacks down the line.

Pamper Yourself 

Reward systems can do wonders for the body in a moment of high stress. If you’re feeling very nervous or anxious, pamper yourself a bit. Take a warm, aromatic bath or eat some comfort food. Indulging in your favorite activities, meals, and sensory experiences can do wonders to elevate your mood. While not an outright cure for the stress that comes from modern life, taking time to do this now and again can really lift your spirits.

The world can be stressful, but there are many ways to find your own peace of mind. Find the right way to calm your own spirit in a moment of frustration and you’ll discover new ways to feel well.

Category: Society Technology

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