Wedding Date on Calendar Marked With a Pink HeartAfter getting engaged, you are most likely going to be caught up in a whirlwind of positive, loving emotions. Once all of this excitement dies down, you and your future spouse are going to be left with the task of actually planning the wedding you were just so thrilled over. Though the mood might be a bit more frenetic, there are a number of simple ways you can get through the initial planning stages without feeling like you’re slowly losing your mind over the details.

One of the most important tasks you need to accomplish when first entering the planning phase is selecting a date for your wedding. Most people do this before anything else, though others wait until some other details have been ironed out. Regardless, it’s a good idea to take this task on early. These tips might be able to help get you going in the right direction.

Venue vs. Date

The first thing you’re going to want to consider is your venue. Do you have a venue in mind already? If so, then meet with a representative from the space and discuss your options. You might already have a date in your mind for the wedding, but you will not be able to confirm it for sure until you have had the opportunity to see which dates are already blacked out by the venue. Getting this info early can make a huge difference in the early stages of planning.

If you don’t have a date yet, then you can work with your venue to select an ideal time. Many couples find it is easier to pick a venue first, as it allows for more room to pick and choose from an array of available dates. Of course, you might find it somewhat easier to have a general idea of when you would like to get married. Remember that certain months, like those in the spring, tend to book earlier than other seasons.

Interesting Conflicts

It can also be a good idea to discuss potential dates with certain people before you set anything in stone. This doesn’t mean running the date by every single person you’re planning on inviting. Instead, you want to discuss the potential date with people like your parents, your partner’s parents, and any close friends or relatives who will be directly involved with the wedding itself. You also want to check the date with important guests who you want present but who have complicated schedules or long distances to travel.

Now, it is also important to mention that you should be very careful about discussing the wedding date you’ve selected after you have already confirmed it with the venue. You might feel like you want input from friends and family members, but at this point it is done and you probably can’t make major changes. If someone isn’t thrilled with the date you picked, you can’t worry about it. Talk about the date all you wish, just be careful about asking for input.

Remember Others

Last, it can be a good idea to make sure you stay abreast of friends and family members who are planning on tying the knot in the near future. The chances are somewhat slim that you and another friend would book your events on the same day, but stranger things have happened. To avoid a frustrating scenario, be sure to check in with anyone you know who is also planning a wedding to make sure your events don’t fall too close.

Selecting the perfect date for your wedding isn’t the biggest challenge. Still, there are many simple ways to make sure you see the best possible results and avoid any annoying obstacles along the way.


Category: Wedding Planning

wedding day wedding invitation wedding venue

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