Wedding Gift Wrapped in Blue and WhiteBeing invited to a wedding can be a great honor. However, it can also come with a bit of stress. Picking the right gift can be a point of frustration for plenty of people. If you’re going to be a wedding guest in the near future, now might be a good time to consider how to go about finding the perfect present. Though it might seem challenging, grabbing a great gift is as simple as keeping a few handy points in mind.

The Registry Is Your Friend

Buying someone a gift he or she won’t ever use is likely one of your biggest concerns. Thankfully, this issue can be avoided entirely by using the couples’ wedding registry. This solves the problem outright, showing you exactly what the couple wants and needs. What’s more, the registry will usually include items in a wide price range. This means you can find the right gift no matter how much you are looking to spend. With many couples using sites like Amazon to register these days, you technically don’t even need to leave your house to order a wedding present.

Naturally, this is only possible if the couple actually uses a registry. The practice has fallen out of style in some circles, and if that’s the case in your situation, you’ll be left to your own devices when it comes to picking out a present.

The Money Trick

Few gifts are as powerful as cash. At the end of the day, money allows a person to buy what he or she actually requires. If you’re stuck on what to get as a wedding gift, you can’t go wrong with writing a check or putting a few bills in an envelope. Custom dictates that a cash gift should reflect the per-plate price of the caterer. If the price is $100 a plate, then you should include this amount as your gift. If you have been given a plus-one guest, then you would give $200 in this scenario. 

The Sentimental Route

Cash might be nice, but you may still feel a strong inclination to get a gift that has some kind of meaning. Whether the wedding is for a close member of the family or a friend you’ve known your whole life, your present is an opportunity to reflect on how much the person’s happiness means to you. A sentimental gift can always be a good option. From engraved picture frames to specific items that invoke memories you’ve shared, getting sappy with your gift can be ideal for weddings. 

The Creative Option

A gift does not need to be purchased in order for it to have power. Similar to the sentimental gift, the creative present is another way you can think outside the box. There are countless DIY projects on the internet that might be perfect for your needs. If the couple are the types who would appreciate a gift that was forged by the hands of a friend, there’s nothing stopping you from tapping into your imagination and having a little bit of fun.

The Forgotten Present

Try as you might to remember to bring a gift, you could easily forget. Instead of rushing to the store before hitting the church, take a moment to breathe. While it might feel odd, there is no rule saying you must bring a wedding present on the actual day of the event. In fact, some traditions allow guests up to a year to deliver a wedding gift. Giving yourself this leeway can alleviate some stress and give you more time to figure out a plan for what gift to actually get.

Whether you have the luxury of using the registry or you need to exercise some creative muscles, there are many paths to the perfect wedding present. As long as you come up with some type of plan, you’ll have no trouble tackling this task with ease.

Category: Wedding Materials

wedding gifts wedding registry wedding guests

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