When it comes to your wedding day, you want to look your best.

A bride on her wedding day

When it comes to your wedding day, you want to look your best. Not only is this important for all of the pictures, it can also be important for the highly anticipated wedding night. If you want to look your best on your wedding day, it's best to prepare in advance. Some of these changes take time before you notice a difference, but they are all steps that can not only bring out the best in your physical appearance, but can also improve your health and help you feel great too.

Drink Enough Water

We all know drinking enough water is important for a variety of health reasons. Water keeps us hydrated, which is important for our organs and overall health. However, drinking enough water can help improve your appearance as well. For one thing, skin that is well hydrated tends to look much healthier than skin that is dehydrated. You may notice a decrease in your under-eye circles and an increase in the overall glow of your skin. In addition, drinking water can help your system flush out all of the unnecessary toxins, which can help you shed some unwanted weight. Not only that, but you will likely feel a lot better when you are keeping your body hydrated. Some people are confused on the amount of water they should drink. While experts can vary in their opinions, a good way to get your base number is to apply this formula:

  • Take your body weight and divide it by two.
  • This number is the minimum number of ounces you should be drinking in a day.
  • For example: A 130 pound woman should shoot for a minimum of 65 ounces in a day.

Getting as close to this number as possible can help ensure you are staying well hydrated.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Just like drinking water, giving your body the proper nutrients can make a difference in how you feel as well as how you look. When you aren't giving your body the fuel it needs, you can feel sluggish and tired all the time. Not only that, but you may notice you are putting on weight, not sleeping as well, and even experiencing more anxiety. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help keep you healthy and beautiful physically while staying sharp mentally.

Stay Active

While preparing for your wedding is a busy time, try not to neglect your daily workout. Even something as simple as a brisk ten-minute walk can make a difference. If there is a certain part of your body you would like to tone in time for your wedding, then do some research to find out what exercises might be best for you. This takes time, so implement these changes several months before your wedding so that by your wedding day, you are in as good of shape as you hoped.

Figure Out Hair and Makeup

Figuring out how you would like your hair to be styled and how you would like your makeup applied before your wedding can save a lot of stress as the wedding approaches. Not only that, but this gives you an opportunity to try out a few different styles and colors to determine what you think will work best for you. When you have decided what kind of hairstyle and makeup you like, you can rest assured you will feel confident and look great on your wedding day.

While your fiancé likely cares about more than your physical appearance, it's important to look good on your wedding day. Taking care of yourself with plenty of water, a healthy diet, and exercise is the most important step. Furthermore, having a good idea of your hair and makeup will help ensure you look and feel fabulous on one of the the most important days of your life.

Category: Get Ordained Wedding Materials Wedding Planning

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