Group of Friends at a WeddingIn the grand scheme of things, America is quite a young country. Still, a lot has changed since the nation was first colonized by Europeans. As the years have passed by, a number of traditions have come and gone. When it comes to marriage, many of these old customs have lingered for longer than expected. Whether you’re from the Northeast or the Southwest, Oregon or Florida, each region has a number of unique wedding traditions that can be incredibly fascinating to explore. You may even want to add one or two into your own upcoming ceremony!

Give yourself a moment to look over some of these interesting wedding customs from around the United States. Whether you’re simply curious or want to take advantage of some of these ideas, you’re sure to be intrigued by what you discover.

Pull It Apart

New Orleans is an interesting area as far as history goes. The city and surrounding areas are a mix of various cultures and this has left an impression on customs throughout this part of Louisiana. One such wedding-related tradition is “cake pulling.” Like the widespread bouquet toss, this is a tradition meant for the bride to bestow good fortune upon her single friends. Also known as “ribbon pulling,” the idea is to place a number of charms in the cake. Each charm holds significance on a symbolic level and is meant to represent luck in different areas of life.

There are several different ways this custom can play out. The cake can be sliced and handed out to single friends to see which person pulls out which charm. More commonly, however, the bride will attach ribbons to each charm that stick out of the cake. The single ladies (and gentlemen!) each grab a piece of ribbon and tug to pull out the charms. No matter how the custom unfolds, it’s always a good idea to mention to guests not to bite into the cake too hard, lest they hit a surprise charm.

Hop Around

Another interesting custom that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years is bar hopping before the wedding reception. Like the name suggests, the idea of this custom is for the happy couple and a few select individuals to grab a few drinks after the ceremony and before the reception. This is a fun and somewhat relaxing way to cut loose before having to entertain a venue filled with friends, family members, and loose acquaintances.

The origins of this tradition can be difficult to pin down. A number of researchers claim it began in Wisconsin, though there’s little evidence to back this up. More likely, this tradition came about when a couple couldn’t face the idea of going into their wedding without loosening up with a few drinks. Though this can be a fun idea to incorporate into your own event, the time between ceremony and reception might already be booked with other tasks like taking photos.

A Venetian Feast

In New Jersey and New York, Italian communities began a tradition that has become a staple for weddings of the region. Called a Venetian Feast, this custom involves offering guests so many different types of dessert that they’ll be unable to experience it all. While Italian desserts are almost always present during this feast, couples can feel free to use whatever desserts they choose. From fresh fruits to an ice cream sundae bar, the only limit to this tradition is your imagination . . . and maybe your budget.

While America might not be the oldest country on the planet, it still has a rich and varied history worth exploring. Learn more about different American customs and discover additional ways to improve upon your wedding plans.

Category: Ceremonies Society

weddings culture receptions

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