A Stressed-Out GroomIt’s no secret that wedding planning can be stressful. There are the mechanics of pulling together a large-scale event, which require more time and resources than usual. As we get caught up in the minutiae, it’s easy to overlook our stress levels. In the months leading up to the big day, grooms should pay attention to the causes and symptoms of excessive stress in their lives.

Planning-Related Stressors

Brides writer Katie James mentions how many modern couples navigate planning their weddings. Traditionally, the task of arranging details has fallen to brides and their families. As men in relationships with women take on more planning responsibilities, some struggle to understand how they can collaborate with their mates. If you find yourself in this position, The Plunge’s groom duties guides may prove to be helpful. Perhaps it’s also time to talk with your partner and clarify how you can aid the process.

Beyond the Planning Problems

Pre-wedding stress often goes deeper than booking vendors and choosing linens. Marriage is a major life transition, but Huffington Post’s Rebecca Shapiro points to several possible underlying causes of your anxieties:

  • Finances
  • Family dynamics
  • New commitments
  • Identity issues
  • Body image and appearance

Vox reporter E. J. Dickson discusses how the wedding industry is slowly changing due to the preferences of younger consumers. However, some couples still feel pressured by the expectation that they’ll be able to throw the “perfect” wedding.

Shapiro explains that this life transition and associated issues can prompt a collection of unexpected and messy emotions. She emphasizes that sorrow, anxiety, and uncertainty are perfectly normal feelings in the months before you get married. If either partner comes from a dysfunctional household, that could dial up the intensity and add even more stress. 

The Effects of Stress on Your Health 

VeryWell Mind contributor Jerry Kennard explains the distinction between eustress, which gives us the drive to meet goals and challenges, and distress, which causes discomfort. Discussions about the impacts of stress on our health usually focus on chronic distress. The American Institute of Stress lists 50 common resulting symptoms including headaches, digestive issues, concentration difficulties, reduced productivity, respiratory problems, and fatigue.

Kennard also comments that men may not readily recognize how chronic stress affects them. The reasons for this are still being debated, but University of Michigan researcher Shervin Assari points to traditional gender-based attitudes. If a man adheres to rigid or toxic definitions of masculinity, he may see his suffering as a weakness and avoid seeking support.

Change and Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Psychology Today columnist Stephanie A. Sarkis clarifies that stress is our physiological and psychological reactions to change. Unsurprisingly, stress can result from a positive life change such as an upcoming marriage. Self-care and seeking support are important coping strategies. Sarkis illustrates how keeping a regular schedule can give your mind reassurance that not everything is topsy-turvy. Healthy eating is another crucial component, especially with potentially low energy reserves and a shortage of serotonin in your brain from the stress. Also, you can relieve stress by maintaining a healthy level of physical activity.

Perhaps most importantly, a strong support network can enable you to cope in powerful ways. It’s never shameful to ask for help, and now may be the time to turn to friends and family members for assistance. UW Health offers a few tips on finding mental health professionals. The bottom line? Choose an individual who can help you reach your goals.

Self-Care and Support Cross Gender Lines

A “stiff upper lip” doesn’t serve you when it comes to solving problems and dealing with your emotions. Yet with deeply ingrained cultural norms, it’s sometimes difficult to recognize when we’re repeating old harmful patterns. Self-care, open communication, and support networks are helpful for any nearlyweds, regardless of gender.

Category: Wedding Planning

culture self care health wedding stress counseling

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