Pretty Wedding Cake TopperThe cake is an integral part of any wedding. Whether you plan on using it simply as a dessert or you want to engage in the tradition of smashing some in your partner’s face during the reception, you need a cake in order for your wedding to feel complete. Unfortunately, they are not cheap. Your choice has to be big enough for all of your guests to receive a slice. This alone can make the cost of the dessert skyrocket. The real trick is being able to find a quality option for your event without breaking the bank.

The good thing is that you don’t have to go to extremes to discover the perfect cake. Look at these suggestions and discover the best way to find a solution for your big day.

Focus on Appearances

Many people tend to get hung up on how their cakes look. While taste definitely matters, the overall aesthetic is what guests notice during the reception. The cake tends to take center stage after dinner, with everyone gathering around to watch the happy couple cut into the confection. This means you don’t necessarily need a huge option that also looks fantastic, you might be able to get away with using a smaller cake for the express purpose of cutting it for guests.

One simple trick many couples use to save money on dessert is to have bakers make them a small cake with all of the decorative flourishes. This is the one on display and the one used when the time comes to make a spectacle of ushering in dessert. The secret is to also purchase a traditional sheet cake, which will be cut and served to guests from the kitchen of your venue. This provides everyone with a slice, allows you to have a beautiful confection for show, and helps you save money at the same time.

Simple and Small

Though you may feel like your cake needs to really stand out, many of the options available to couples are extraneous. This is especially true when it comes to the accessories available for displaying your dessert. For the most part, the stands and cases that are available to purchase as accessories are not needed. The bakery will usually provide a stand that will hold up the weight of the cake and still allow it to look its best. By avoiding investing in extra accessories, you can keep your budget tight.

Another surefire way to keep the costs down is by opting to go small. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to have a smaller option. Instead, you can request the kitchen cut the cake into smaller pieces than normal. Guests don’t always finish their desserts anyway, as many try to rush back out onto the dance floor before the night comes to a close. Consider this option if you’re looking to save money and don’t want to skimp on the overall quality of the dessert.

Ditch the Fondant

Finally, it is important to remember that certain choices are going to prove more expensive for your cake. The icing you select, for example, can easily turn into a point of concern for your budget. Fondant is popular for many because it can be shaped and molded into all sorts of gorgeous designs. Unfortunately, this costs a lot of money. Instead of going for fondant, see how much money you can save by going for the equally delicious buttercream option. It might seem less whimsical, but your cake will still look and taste amazing.

While it might be an expense, the cake plays a very large part in the success of your wedding. Learn how to save money on this essential component and discover how sweet it is to have your cake and eat it, too!


Category: Wedding Materials Wedding Planning

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