Bride Feeling Wedding StressMost people feel butterflies in their stomachs before walking down the aisle. Weddings have a way of making even the calmest of individuals a bit shaky. If you’re currently preparing for your nuptials and are starting to feel that wedding anxiety kick in, it can be a good idea to remember to relax. Since most people tend to feel nervous before they get married, all you need to do is figure out how to keep calm and carry on. Luckily, it isn’t as complicated as you might imagine to chill out a bit.

When your stress levels start to skyrocket, you need to take a step back and focus on how to find some serenity. Look over these suggestions and discover how to beat your wedding anxiety and keep yourself sane.

Step Back From the Ledge

If you’re like most couples preparing for a wedding, you are probably using every free moment you have for planning. This makes sense, especially when you don’t have too much time to work with. Though time can seem limited, going full-speed ahead without a break can easily take a toll on your nerves. That’s why one of the best ways to stay calm and feel less anxious is by giving yourself a break from the non-stop parade of planning. By dedicating time in your schedule to non-wedding activities, you stand to find the recharge you require to move forward.

It might sound easy but taking this kind of break is not going to be a simple step for everyone. In fact, there might be some people out there who feel extra stressed out at the prospect of taking a break. Still, barreling forward without rest is a surefire way to be a ball of nerves and frustration when the day of your wedding arrives. Set aside time each week to relax, focus on tasks that have nothing to do with your upcoming marriage, and give yourself the attention and care you deserve.

A Two-Way Street

Many couples split the planning work evenly. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. You might find you are doing far more than your significant other when it comes to arranging details, contacting vendors, and planning entertainment. If this is the case, then you absolutely must have a discussion about the best course of action moving forward. Simply accepting that your partner is doing less than you is not going to help you find peace. You need to come up with a plan for splitting duties that works for both of you.

On the other side of this, you might discover your partner is doing all of the work and you’re barely doing anything. If this is the case, then you absolutely need to start carrying your weight. Even if your significant other wants to plan most elements without help, you should extend an offer of assistance. By showing you’re willing to pitch in, you might be able to take some of the burden of stress off your partner and share in the responsibilities. 


Often, simple practices are going to be your best chance at finding relaxation. For millions of people around the world, meditation is a surefire way to release your body of stress and anxiety. Light an aromatherapy candle, sit in a comfortable spot in your house and disappear into a serene state of being. With countless meditation practices to consider, you’re sure to discover a tactic that works for your own stress levels.

No matter how much or how little time you have on your side, you absolutely must make a conscious effort to escape any lingering anxiety you’re experiencing. Recharging your mind, body, and spirit will help you put together the wedding you’ve always dreamed of.


Category: Wedding Planning

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