Wedding Website Across Different PlatformsCustoms surrounding marriage change with the times. Having a website dedicated to your wedding, for example, has become quite popular in the digital age. Whether you’re familiar with the idea or not, there are a number of benefits you can expect from following this trend. A website provides a centralized location of information that guests can visit to have any lingering questions answered. Review these points and get a better idea of what you should definitely include on your own wedding site.  

A Reflection of the Couple

Like almost every other aspect of your wedding, aesthetics matter when it comes to the appearance of your website. The design of your page should reflect the general look and feel you have planned for your event. For a rustic wedding, include imagery that invokes the textures and colors of a country barn. Elegant affairs call for simplistic layouts, possibly a basic black background with gold or white text. The theme of the website will give your guests an idea of what to expect from the event itself.

Simple and Straightforward

Couples usually have to cram a ton of pertinent information onto wedding invitations. A website acts as a wonderful complement to a paper invite, allowing much more space for you to go into detail about the event. While you do have room to play with, keep the site as simple as possible. The site should be a refresher on all the information included on the invites, from the location to the dress code. You want to go a bit more in-depth on the details here. Include directions, info about hotel accommodations, and answers to common questions you anticipate.

Registry Considerations

Plenty of people use registries for their weddings. If you’ve decided this is how you want to go about requesting gifts, then you need to provide guests with information on where you’ve decided to register. Some industry experts suggest not including your registry info on your website to avoid looking like you are demanding gifts. Still, neglecting to provide a link to your registry on your site is actually just a missed opportunity. You also will make your guests’ lives easier, as they can quickly link to your registry by visiting your website, purchase the gift, and move on. 

Different Ways To Respond 

The internet has made it a lot easier to handle a huge assortment of responsibilities related to wedding planning. Your website is a perfect example of this. In the past, couples needed to rely on guests putting RSVP cards into the mail in a timely fashion. Since human nature prevents a large chunk of people from accomplishing this, a website can offer the opportunity for peace of mind. Consider electronic RSVPs to make your own life far easier. Guests who have the option of clicking a box on a website are much more likely to reply on time.

Where To Create a Website

You don’t need to be an experienced web developer to make a site for your big day. It is easier than ever for a person with little to no design experience to put together a page that looks totally professional. Companies like Wix, WordPress, and Weebly have all become recognizable names in the world of site building. All of these resources offer intuitive interfaces that allow users total control over how the site looks without needing to know the first thing about coding. Some wedding blogs also have tools and resources for building a site, so explore your options.

Creating a website can be a fun way to provide your guests with all of the important info you couldn’t fit on your invitations. As long as it doesn’t add stress to the planning process, this can be a fun addition to consider for your big day.

Category: Wedding Materials

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