Old man whispering to his wifeWhen it comes to marriage, nearly everyone has an opinion. You may find that once you are married, more people than ever are offering their unsolicited advice or asking you and your spouse personal questions. For some reason, it seems that newlyweds are so fascinating to those around them. Because of this, you may be hearing lots of input and advice from people, and some of it may not even be true. There are many common marriage myths out there, and believing some of them can be harmful to your marriage.

Marriage Will Fix Your Relationship

Some people have the crazy idea that marriage will fix their relationship. This convinces many couples to rush into being married when this simply isn't the truth. You are committing to spending the rest of your life with this person. Do you really want to do that if your relationship is rocky? That isn't to say that you shouldn't stay together if the two of you fight sometimes. Arguing is a pretty normal part of any relationship, but if your relationship is on again and off again, then maybe you should wait on getting married. Make sure you are with the right person. Marriage is meant to be forever, and divorce is a very ugly and complicated thing. Whatever you do, don't get married because you think it will fix the problems in your relationship.

Marriage Completes You

You may know a couple people who want nothing more than to be married. Maybe they have spent several years going from relationship to relationship, and they are ready to settle down. They may feel like something is missing from their life and that they are lonely. Despite what these people may think, marriage will not complete you. You shouldn't see marriage as some sort of end goal. For one thing, marriage takes a lot of work. If you are married to the right person, it is a wonderful thing, but that doesn't mean it is always easy. Any problems you have before you are married will likely still be there after you are married.

Your Spouse Is Your Best Friend

There are many people who say their husband or wife is their best friend. While there's nothing necessarily wrong with that, it doesn't mean you shouldn't still have other friends. While you should always bring your problems to each other and not hide them, it's also okay to spend time with other friends and talk to them about things that you think your spouse may have a hard time understanding. While it's perfectly okay and often wonderful to see your spouse as your best friend, don't forget that it's okay for the two of you to have other friends as well.

You Shouldn't Get Married Until You Are Older

It seems many well-meaning people tell couples who are in love that they should put off getting married. It seems to be a somewhat popular opinion that people shouldn't get married at a young age. Really though, your age shouldn't be what determines when you get married. If you have found the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, then there's no reason to wait until you're 30 to get married. Sure, many marriages that occur straight after high school end in disaster, but there are some couples who can pull it off.

No matter what, it's important to remember:

  • Marriage doesn't fix your problems or relationship.
  • It's okay to spend time with your other friends.
  • Age shouldn't be what determines when you get married.

Having the right expectations can help ensure that you are successful in your marriage. Get these marriage myths out of your head so you can enjoy your marriage instead of having unhealthy expectations about it.

Category: Marriage Society

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