Tündi Szász
Ordained Minister in Austin, Texas
Why did you originally become an ordained minister online?
I run an online ministry that helps those recovering from religion. I preach on the universal curriculum of love using 'A Course in Miracles' and universal Christian themes, including contemplative practices.
Where are you from?
I'm Transylvanian-American and from NYC. However I am a digital nomad, and run a virtual ministry.
What do you hope to achieve with your online ordination?
Running a digital healing ministry.
Religious Affiliations
Ahmadiyya, Aladura, Amish, Anglicanism, Asatru, Assemblies of God, Atheism, Baha'i Faith, Baptists, Bon, Buddhism, Candomble, Cao Dai, Cathari, Catholicism, Charismatic movement, Chinese Religion, Christadelphians, Christian Science, Christianity, Church of God, Church of God in Christ, Church of Satan, Confucianism, Conservative Judaism, Deism, Donatism, Dragon Rouge, Druidism, Eastern Orthodox Church, Eckankar, ELCA, Epicureanism, Evangelicalism, Falun Gong, Foursquare Church, Gnosticism, Greek Religion, Hare Krishna, Hasidism, Hellenic Reconstructionism, Hinduism, Illuminati, Intelligent Design, Islam, Jainism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Judaism, Kabbalah, Kemetic Reconstructionism, Kopimi, Lutheranism, Mahayana Buddhism, Mayan Religion, Methodism, Mithraism, Mormonism, Nation of Islam, Neopaganism, Neoplatonism, New Age, New Thought, Nichiren, Norse Religion, Olmec Religion, Oneness Pentecostalism, Orthodox Judaism, Pentecostalism, Presbyterianism, Priory of Sion, Protestantism, Pure Land Buddhism, Quakers, Rastafarianism, Reform Judaism, Rinzai Zen Buddhism, Roman Religion, Satanism, Scientology, Seventh-Day Adventism, Shaivism, Shi'a Islam, Shinto, Sikhism, Soto Zen Buddhism, Spiritualism, Stoicism, Sufism, Sunni Islam, Taoism, Tendai Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Typhonian Order, Umbanda, Unification Church, Unitarian Universalism, Universal Life Church, Vaishnavism, Vajrayana Buddhism, Vedanta, Vineyard Churches, Voodoo, Wicca, Worldwide Church of God, Yezidi, Zen, Zionism, Zoroastrianism, Other, None
Additional Information
Not listed is 'A Course in Miracles', which is the religion of Maya Angelou, Oprah, and Marianne Williamson. This is a universe curriculum combining eastern mysticism with western mysticism, centered around the same principles of Universal Life Church.
What do you think makes your ceremonies special as a Austin, TX wedding officiant?
I utilize the principles in 'A Course in Miracles' and the Holy Bible using universal Christian themes, as well as contemplative messages. I believe in the unity of mankind, the principles of peace and love ruling all, and the deep work that comes through recovery (especially 12-step work) while being mindful of spiritual bypassing and religious abuse.
Are there particular areas near you where you prefer to travel or have special experience?
I'm here to serve. I prefer that to be a choice between others, rather than myself.
Types of Service Offered
Marriages, Same-Sex Marriages, Renewal of Vows, Baptisms, Funerals, Christenings, House Blessings, Spiritual Healing, General Ministry, Spiritual Guidance
Additional Information
I truly believe love is love. I'm happy to serve as one part of the universal life family.