Joe Conkle
Ordained Minister in Cullman, Alabama
About Me:
I do Tarot Readings, teach basics on the Elemental Correspondences and the importance of observation, I do pastoral counseling, addiction counseling (25 yrs sober), relationship counseling, and more. I
I consider myself to be a Pantheistic Spiritualist in that that thing that many of us refer to as deity is in reality an energy that is inherent in all things. It is us who have given image and characteristic to this energy, molding it into various God's, spiritual creatures, and other manifestations of our own collective subconscious. Therefore that energy IS real. But to benefit fully from that energy we all need to learn how we are connected, both to it and through it.
To me, Life is like water. It will flow and go on regardless of what we do to try and change it. That river has it own speed and power and we are like filled leaves carried along its currents. But the river, although it cannot be stopped, can be navigated. To do so it is vital for us to build ourselves up, from floating leaf to nuclear powered submarine. We begin such a journey by observation. By studying the patterns of the currents, what causes then, what effects them, and how they effect us, we can then become better prepared to be confident and content. From there it just a matter of collecting tools, resources, and supplies to build our own spiritual vessel.
Yes, my favorite metaphorical lesson. Life is like water, always moving towards the lowest point and nothing can ever stop it. It evaporates, condenses elsewhere, and continues its journey. Life it inevitable. The tools mentioned is the knowledge of that which effects the flow of life. Astrological influences, Elemental influences, the company we keep, the stones we possess, the care we take for our bodies, even the music we listen to. It all has a connection. It all influences our own being, fluctuating a sort of radio signal that interacts with the signals of others and the signal which is the energy in all things, that thing we call God.
Religious Affiliations
Neopaganism, Spiritualism, Universal Life Church, Wicca, Other
Types of Service Offered
Funerals, House Blessings, Exorcisms, Spiritual Healing, Premarital Counseling, General Ministry, Spiritual Guidance