Helping the Bride Get ReadyFor most couples, the morning of their wedding is the culmination of months of hard work and focus. It offers an opportunity to clear away the stress and finally reap the fruits of their labor. It also acts as a time for the wedding party to come together and prepare for the event. To get ready for a moment that comes far faster than you may realize, review this guide and see how to make the morning magical. 

The Logistics 

First off, the term “morning” is used loosely here. If you’re hosting a ceremony in the evening, then you may not get ready until the afternoon. Still, the same lessons all apply. The first thing to do is decide where you and your partner will each get ready. Couples typically like to get prepare separately, though there is no rule preventing you from occupying the same space to primp and preen. However, you really need to plan from a pragmatic perspective. If you have one bathroom and a dozen people who need to dress, you’re in for a serious headache.

Traditional locations include your home or the house of a relative or close friend. For events where travel is involved, the best solution is to get ready in the hotel or accommodations where you will be spending the night. This reduces how much you have to transport from one location to the next and ensures you know where all essential items are in the event you leave something behind. 

The Professionals

The members of your wedding party are not the only ones who will be joining you as you get dressed and psyched for the day’s events. Some of the vendors you’ve hired to bring your wedding to life will play pivotal parts in preparing. The photographer will likely want to be present to take relaxed, candid shots of everyone as they go through the motions. Hair and makeup professionals are also going to be there to give you the finishing touches you need to look exactly how you want. 

Coordinating with your team in advance is key to everything going as planned. Give information like the time and address to everyone within at least a few weeks of the actual date. Should there be concerns about directions, traffic, weather, or any other factors, this leeway will allow time to work out alternatives. 

The Checklist

Whether you’re readying at home, away, alone, or in a group, you need to make a checklist of all items that you will need to pack. If you’re traveling, this will include things like toiletries, a change or two of clothes, and whatever else helps you feel fresh and comfortable. At home, you want to consider what to pack and bring while traveling to the ceremony and reception. A makeup bag, tissues, aspirin, and a bottle of water can all be handy in a pinch. Be sure to create an actual list you can run through in advance.

The Final Thoughts

As with almost any other aspect of planning for your big day, cater the specifics of each step to the unique parameters of your wedding. Make the morning preparation something that naturally fits with the flow of the day rather than being an event that distracts from what is in store. There’s no need to rent out a separate venue or hire entertainers. Keep things simple and make the event focused on getting ready in a comfortable way, and the rest will fall into place.

Though it will arrive fast, the morning of your wedding allows you a moment to prepare emotionally, mentally, and physically. Create a plan in advance and do your part to guarantee your day gets started in the way you’d hoped.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding day

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