The Bacon MinisterTwo strangers meet on a subway or at a local coffee shop. They begin to fall in love and before they know it, a set of rings is exchanged and they are celebrating their commitment to each other. An important part of many weddings is a religious leader who performs the wedding ceremony. For many religious couples, this may be their minister, priest, rabbi, or other leader from their place of worship.

However, if a couple does not have a usual place of worship or holds no firm beliefs, it can be difficult to find the right person to ordain their marriage. Therefore, a growing number of people are becoming ordained through the Internet. One man has even started calling himself the bacon minister, officiating a wedding for a couple all in the name of that salty, crunchy breakfast food.

How To Become Ordained

If you are interested in becoming an ordained minister, priest, rabbi, or other leader, here are several things to keep in mind:

  1. Decide upon what religious group you what to be ordained in
  2. What kind of ceremonies do you want to officiate?
  3. Research online programs for ordainment certificates
  4. Research state laws for marriages and who can legally perform them

Becoming on ordained officiate can be a simple and exciting process. There are several organizations that provide online courses and trainings that will prepare anyone to became an ordained leader. One common organization is the Universal Life Church. This organization believes that anyone can become an ordained leader and can earn the power to officiate at ceremonies. Through their free registration and certificate program, you can become an ordained leader in a short amount of time. Moreover, you can even ask your favorite friend or cousin to become ordained and officiate at your wedding, creating a personal touch.

A Popular Site For Weddings

A wedding can be an expensive affair that usually requires an ordained officiate and a special location. Therefore a popular and inexpensive place to get married is electric Las Vegas, Nevada. With wedding chapels, lavish hotels, and a wide variety of unique locations, Vegas is a hot spot for weddings. Moreover, if you become an ordained officiate, you can find a great need for your credentials in Vegas. Many couples who travel to the sparkling city in Nevada do not hold specific religious beliefs, leading them to seek out officiates who hold the rights to authorize their weddings.

If you want to become an officiate specifically for the city of Las Vegas, the Universal Life Church can provide you with a special state of Nevada Wedding Officiate package. The state of Nevada recognizes ordained officiates that have received their certificates through the ULC.

The process of becoming an ordained minister is simple and sometimes free. Moreover, you might become a highly sought after neighbor or friend, or perhaps you can become the next bacon minister for all of those pig loving couples out there.

Category: Get Ordained

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