Should Women Propose?When you're in a relationship with the love of your life, you may be feeling eager to get married. After all, why wouldn't you want to start your life as husband and wife as soon as possible? In some cases, women feel the urge to get married more quickly than men do. Perhaps it's the fact that they want to start a family early, or maybe it's because they feel pressure from family members. No matter the reason, it is a common trend.

However, what's not so common is women proposing to men. Even in this day and age when men and women are seen as equals, it is typically a man's responsibility to propose to his girlfriend. In fact, statistics show that only one out of 20 women propose to their boyfriend. That's under five percent of the female population. Despite the fact that this seems to be a bit taboo in today's society, it has its upside. If you are a female in a relationship with the man of your dreams and you want to get the ball rolling, take a look at these pros and cons.

Show Your Commitment

Proposing to your boyfriend will obviously show him that you are committed to him. Letting him know you want to spend the rest of your life with him can be a great way to solidify the relationship. Hopefully, your partner knows this already, but proposing can show him how much the relationship means to you.

Show Equality

Chances are, you and your partner are in an equal relationship. Most likely, you make big decisions together, and one person does not overrule the other. Proposing to your boyfriend can help show this equality in your relationship. While society tells you it is men who are supposed to propose, making the first move shows that you aren't afraid to take matters into your own hands. This can also make it easier for you to make big decisions together in the future.

Better Planning

When you propose to your boyfriend, you will have more control over the planning of the wedding. When you are sitting around waiting for your boyfriend to propose, you don't know the exact moment it is going to happen. This can make things stressful. Being the first to propose can make it easier to:

  • Set a date
  • Book venues
  • Send out invitations

Go Against Tradition

There are some people who don't like to follow exact traditions and go against the grind. You are likely one of those people if you are planning on proposing. This is a great way to make a statement. Of course, proposing isn't about making a statement, but it does show that you aren't afraid to be different.


Of course, there are cons to consider as well before making your final decision. You have to think about the possibility that your boyfriend will say no. If you haven't been dating long, then your partner may not feel ready to make such a commitment yet. This can make things awkward moving forward in the relationship. It might also mean a lot to your future spouse for him to propose. Since it's more common for men, he may have a plan for the perfect way to propose. You don't want to rob him of this opportunity. Another thing to consider is that you will have to figure out who buys your engagement ring. When you propose, it isn't always fair to assume your boyfriend will be buying you a ring, so you may need to buy it yourself.

Proposing marriage may seem like an intimidating thing, but sometimes it is just right. Consider the pros and cons before deciding whether this is the right move for you.

Category: Get Ordained Wedding Planning Ceremonies

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