A Young Couple FightingGetting married might be a joyous occasion, but it can also cause a person to begin to feel overwhelming amounts of stress. This makes total sense, as a lot of planning is involved with making a day into a perfect experience for a loving union. While a bit of anxiety may be natural, it can also completely distract from the enjoyment of the day. To combat some of the struggle, there is a lot to be said for paying attention to simple tips on what to do throughout the process.

A Million Little Pieces

One of the most complicated aspects of planning a wedding is how much there is to do overall. At first, it can seem like a fun challenge, especially since you will be caught up in the exciting emotions surrounding the event. Unfortunately, as you begin to look at each little detail and the amount of attention you have to pay to caterers, venues, florists, and others, the easier it will be for you to stress out. It is best to not allow yourself to feel like you have to take on each job yourself.

Reaching out for help is a surefire way to make sure that you aren’t bearing the sum total of responsibility on your shoulders. Having friends and family members help you out with specific tasks has a way of alleviating a bit of worry. Delegate the work and the stress will begin to subside, especially as you realize you primarily have to focus on walking down the aisle at the end of it all.


As the big day looms closer, nerves are going to start throwing you a few curveballs. The natural excitement of the wedding will mix with all of your worries about something going wrong and this is a frustrating combination. When you start to experience this, there is a strong chance that you will forget to eat or have sleepless nights. Ultimately, you need to remember to practice self-care throughout the process of planning and preparing yourself for your wedding. You will not do anyone any good, especially yourself, if you are not rested and well-fed.

Remembering to eat and go to bed by a decent time is important for a number of reasons. The less that you put into your body, the easier it will be to feel weak and sickly. In fact, there is a very high chance that you will come down with something if you don’t care for yourself in the right manner. To do this, take a step back from the wedding now and then and breathe. Ask yourself when you ate last and how much time you have until you should go to bed and respond appropriately to stay healthy.

Find the Right Relaxation

Taking a moment to relax throughout the planning phase is going to prove important. There are plenty of articles and companies out there touting a million and a half different ways for people to really cut loose and unwind before a wedding. In truth, the only way to actually relax is by knowing how you enjoy kicking back. Going against your own impulses will not work in your favor. If you do not like massages for some reason, booking a couples massage with your partner a few days before the wedding may not be something practical.

On the other hand, if you and your fiancee find comfort in long walks in the woods, then it stands to reason you should embark upon a mini excursion for this. Relaxation is different for everyone, and doing what is best for your nerves is the best way of keeping yourself calm, cool, and collected.

Lose the Stress

A wedding may be stressful, especially the planning, but you can overcome the frustration with a bit of thought. Remember to take care of yourself and delegate some of the many tasks to competent people you care about to keep your stress levels down.

Category: Marriage


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