Simple Wedding GiftA new trend has been sweeping the world in recent weeks and it is all thanks to Marie Kondo, organizational expert and star of Netflix’s new series “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo.” The series features Kondo visiting various homes around America with the aim of assisting families with decluttering and organizing their homes. The idea is to change your attitude toward your possessions, rather than simply following the usual “condense and clean” method of many similar programs. Though a helpful process, you may discover it brings unexpected challenges as you prepare your wedding registry.

It can be hard to create a wedding registry for your big day when you are actively attempting to get rid of all the clutter in your home. In order to stay true to your goal of keeping an organized space while also putting together a registry for your wedding, look over a few of these simple bits of advice.

Ask for Less

Marie Kondo wants people to look at their homes and the items collected within in a new way. She urges viewers to discover which possessions “spark joy” in them. By weeding through boxes, bags, and baskets of old junk in your space and using the “sparking joy” philosophy to your advantage, you can easily get rid of huge amounts of random things that have accrued over the years. Of course, Kondo does not go into great detail on what you’re supposed to do when the time comes to make a wedding registry.

The simplest solution is also the most straightforward: ask for less. When you’ve spent countless hours trying to tone down the volume of stuff in your home, the last thing you want is to open your doors to even more clutter. Be very specific with what you register for and only ask for items you know will be utilized. Starting your married life off in an unorganized space can easily prove problematic. By keeping your registry as short and sweet as possible, you limit the odds of creating more disorder within your home and relationship.

Focus on Your Goals

Another great way to focus your registry without opening your home to potential clutter is by asking for gifts that help you to meet personal goals. Maybe you and your significant other want to dedicate more time to exercise after tying the knot. Your registry is the perfect opportunity to ask for equipment and resources that can help you reach your goals without having to put forward a large chunk of change yourselves. Plus, you can register for the exact items you need, rather than whatever the guests might assume you want.

Some couples also might want to forego gifts entirely. After using Marie Kondo’s methods around your home, you probably have visited thrift stores to unload your unwanted items for people who can get a bit more use out of them. Instead of registering for gifts, ask your guests to make charitable donations in your name to nonprofit organizations. This way, you can help spread a bit of good cheer with your wedding and also eliminate the potential of overloading your home with unwanted stuff.

Make Peace With the Inevitable

You also might need to resolve yourself to the fact that some guests are going to buy what they wish for your wedding, regardless of what your registry says. Even though you’ve gone through the motions, kept your registry small, and only asked for specifics, you still could wind up with loads of unwanted items. Make peace with this fact early and you’re less likely to feel frustration as you open your gifts.

Your wedding shouldn’t undo all the hard work you (and Marie Kondo) have put into organizing your home. Think long and hard about your plan for your registry and discover the best possible course of action for your needs.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding gifts self care wedding registry

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