A funeral director at a funeral home. Losing someone close to you is one of the hardest things you may ever have to endure. Knowing that you are never going to see the person again in this lifetime can leave you with many negative emotions. It doesn't matter if the death was sudden or something you saw coming, it is something that many people struggle with, and understandably so.

The grieving process is perhaps made more difficult by the fact that the family has to make many decisions very shortly after the death regarding the funeral and burial process. If you're lucky, the person who passed had a lot of this stuff figured out. Unfortunately, this is not the case for most people, whether it's because the person passed away unexpectedly, or because he or she simply did not think about it. One of the things you are going to need to figure out is where you are going to hold the funeral. There are some questions you should ask your funeral director so that you can rest assured you have found the right person to conduct the funeral.

Ask to See a Price List

If you are like most people, you are planning this funeral on a budget. You should be aware of the costs beforehand so you don't wind up in over your head. You need to figure out what all is included in the price so that you aren't being nickeled and dimed for everything. Things that may be included in the cost are:

  • Funeral planning
  • Obtaining the death certificate
  • Storing and preparing the body

Get together with your family members to figure out what your budget is. If there was any life insurance or any savings that the person who passed had, then you can apply it toward funeral expenses. Figuring out what funeral homes are going to charge you and what the prices include is a good first step in narrowing down your choices.

Ask About Financial Assistance

Because death can happen so unexpectedly, there are programs that can help with the expensive costs of a funeral. A funeral director should be well aware of these programs and point you in the right direction. Seeing how helpful a funeral director is willing to be with giving information on these services may give you a hint to how helpful he or she would be throughout the entire process if you were to hire him or her. It also gives you the benefit of seeing if there are any programs that can help you with financial assistance if times are tough.

Ask About Options Regarding the Remains

It can be hard to talk about what to do with your loved one's remains, but it's still something that you need to discuss. Of course, there is the traditional means of burying the body underground. However, you may be interested in your other options. Perhaps cremation appeals to you, or maybe you are interested in donating the body to science. Your funeral director should give you advice on what your options are and what the advantages are of each one.


You may want to ask for some references before making your final decision. While this isn't something you would necessarily ask your funeral director, it is something that can help you figure out your options. You can also look for reviews online. These can give you the pros and cons of hiring a certain person or business.

Hiring a funeral director is hard, but it's something that you and your loved ones will have to do. These things should help ensure that you find the right person for you and your family.


Category: Funeral


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