Newlyweds Driving OffMarriage is a funny thing. Though romantic films and fairytales put a lot of odd expectations on love, nothing can really prepare you for what married life is going to be like. In many ways, life will putter on as usual after your honeymoon, with your routine remaining somewhat the same. Still, the fact you’ve joined your life with the person you love is going to permeate your day-to-day happenings. You may find yourself viewing your partner in a new light and one that isn’t always tinted by rose-colored glasses. Luckily, this is very natural for newlyweds.

To fully accept the reality of married life and all the pitfalls that come with it, you can benefit from some sage wisdom. A bit of sensible advice early may help to set the tone for a happier future together.

Equality Matters

Expectations and traditions surrounding married life have changed significantly over the past few decades. Once, many couples followed strict gender norms, with the man going off to earn for the household and the woman staying home to raise the family. Now, most couples work equally and take care of many familial duties together. Still, there are some strange and specific habits that can prove difficult to break. This is especially true when it comes to equally sharing in the responsibility of various household tasks. The frightening reality? Left unfixed, this uneven playing field can prove dangerous for the relationship.

If, for example, one person in a relationship always takes care of the laundry, it can set a pattern. The other person may never take on the responsibility of doing laundry himself, knowing his partner will always do it. Unfortunately, this can lead to resentment. Treat all household responsibilities equally, especially early. Getting into the habit of sharing certain chores early can help you to create patterns you can follow for the future of your marriage.

Keep Talking

Communication is important for any relationship to work, and marriage is no different. Routines are valuable in many ways but can be problematic for couples. When your routine is to relax and watch television each night after dinner, you may never take time to talk with one another. As the years go on and kids enter the mix (if you’re looking to start a family), you’re going to have less and less time alone together. A great way to keep your communication strong is to consciously work on talking.

While you don’t need to chatter mindlessly at all times, making time to chat can be helpful. Whether you want to talk about relationship grievances, discuss future plans, or just delve into topics you both find interesting, talking helps to strengthen the bond you share. Comfortable silence in a relationship is a wonderful thing, of course. Just don’t allow yourself to get stuck in the quiet for too long.

Work It Out 

One bit of advice that gets passed around a lot is “don’t go to bed mad.” There are many reasons this wisdom proves itself useful. For one, life is short and you never know what can happen. Working out your issues before hitting the hay is a way of keeping yourself free of regrets. It also helps you to avoid holding onto any anger. The longer you stew in frustration, the more likely you are to keep your rage burning without justification. Whether the fight is over something huge or a tiny misunderstanding, you’ll feel better working it out early.

Though you never know what to expect from married life, there are plenty of helpful lessons to learn along the way. Taking in some advice early is a way to prepare you for the unknown and all the ups and downs you’ll go through.

Category: Marriage

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