Friends Attending a Drive-By PartyThe nature of private gatherings has changed somewhat dramatically over the course of the last year or so. Due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, gathering indoors in groups is considered an unwise move for health reasons. Naturally, this has complicated matters. It is no longer easy to get friends and family together to celebrate events or life milestones. Still, this has led to people getting quite creative about how they interact with loved ones. If you’ve recently gotten engaged, a drive-by party could be the easiest solution available for celebrating from a distance.

Who Is Planning the Party?

According to tradition, the parents of the couple are usually tasked with hosting and paying for the party. However, tradition has been thrown out the window in the age of COVID-19. If you feel like having a socially distant event, you can take on the task yourself whenever you want. Unlike a normal event, a drive-by party has very little associated with it. Still, you may wish to ask someone in your social circle to tackle the responsibility for you if you have other tasks demanding your attention.

How Will the Party Happen?

Since you don’t need to worry about bringing anyone into your home, there should not be much difficulty in allowing the party to “take place” at your house. All that you need to do is step outside as friends and family drive past your home with signs of love, decorations, and lots of honking. Still, you might not live in a residence that allows for this kind of arrangement. If you’re in an apartment, a multi-family property, or any type of offbeat setup, then you might need to take extra steps to determine the right location. 

Will You Offer Food?

Since guests spend a vast majority of the time at a drive-by event confined to their vehicles, it can be nice to provide some refreshments if possible. As guests pass your home, wear a mask and offer trays or plates of food. The guests can pull off and park somewhere to enjoy the meal right away, or you can provide to-go plates that people can take back home with them. As long as you’re following all of the local guidelines for safety, there’s nothing wrong with handing off some plates or platters to friends as they wish you well.

How Will Guests Be Notified?

If you’re throwing the event yourself, then you need to think about invitations. Naturally, this type of gathering is not going to feel as “official” as a traditional party. However, you may wish to put in the effort and give your party the service you would in normal times. Paper invitations can be cute, but the process takes up a lot of time. The easiest way to notify everyone at once and get the event to happen sooner rather than later is by sending an email, text, or similar electronic invitation. 

Will You Give Out Favors?

Finally, don’t forget to thank your friends and family for showing up and coming out for you. During such uncertain and bizarre times, gathering together in public in any capacity can seem awkward. If you have people taking long drives just to come and see you from a distance, you might want to go through the trouble of offering favors to your guests. A few small items can go a long way toward helping your guests feel appreciated. The favors shouldn’t be too complicated, just a simple way of saying thanks to those you love.

Times might be different, but that just means you need to get creative with how you go about your routine. Consider the drive-by alternative to the traditional engagement affair, and see how you can celebrate no matter what the circumstances in the world might be.

Category: Engagement

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