Maid of honor helping the bride

Being someone's maid of honor is a big task.

Whether it's your sister, best friend, cousin, or other special person in your life getting married, the role of maid of honor is both an honor and a responsibility. There are many things that are up to you, and when a bride chooses her maid of honor, she is choosing someone she loves and respects. This may seem overwhelming, but remember, this person likely holds you in high regard. Not only that, but fulfilling the maid of honor duties can be a piece of cake if you are thorough and plan things out. A maid of honor's duties and responsibilities can vary from wedding to wedding, but in general, they are pretty similar. Here are some of the main things you can be expected to do for a wedding when you carry the "Maid of Honor" title.

Maid of Honor and the Bridesmaids

One of the things the bride likely wants you to do is be the person who communicates with the other bridesmaids. This can include things like making sure everyone is present for dress fittings, wedding showers, and all other events. You should make sure the bridesmaids have everything they need for the wedding day. This includes dresses, shoes, and any required jewelry. In addition, make sure you communicate with them as the wedding date gets closer as to what time they need to be at the wedding venue for hair and makeup.

Wedding Shower and Bachelorette Party

It will typically be up to you to throw the bachelorette party, and it might be your responsibility to host a wedding shower as well. However, this is something you should coordinate with the other bridesmaids to see if they would like to help in any way. One of you could be responsible for food, another for decorations, and another for games. This can help ease the burden and assure the wedding shower goes smoothly. When it comes to the bachelorette party, you will likely be in charge of most of the plans. This can include things like:

  • Picking the night's activities
  • Arranging for transportation, if necessary
  • Making any reservations that may be needed

Make sure you do these things in advance so you don't wind up calling a restaurant that is overbooked or dealing with transportation issues the night before the party.


This is a bit of an unofficial responsibility, but the bride-to-be should be able to count on you to listen to her concerns at pretty much any time. If she is having cold feet before the wedding, it is your job to reassure her and let her know everything is going to be fine. If she is stressed about the decorations not matching up like she hoped or people not RSVP'ing in time, then do what you can to eliminate her stress. You can do this by helping arrange the decorations in a way that is more pleasing to her and asking those who have not RSVP'd to do so within a reasonable timeframe for planning purposes.

Jump in During the Reception

When the wedding is over and it is time for the reception, there are still things you can do to help. If someone is having trouble finding their reserved seat, then assist him or her in finding it. If there is an issue with the caterer, do whatever you can to solve the problem. Remember, your main job is to make sure the wedding goes as perfectly as possible with no stress on the bride or groom.

Being someone's maid of honor is a big task. To be safe, ask what responsibilities the bride expects you to have so there is no issue with miscommunication down the line. This can help ensure the wedding goes smoothly with little to no hiccups.

Category: Get Ordained Wedding Planning


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