Breaking the Bank for a WeddingThe decision to marry your partner can be quite joyous. There is nothing like making a commitment to someone you love. Weddings are thrilling because it gives you and your significant other a chance to pledge your love forever in front of all of the family members and friends who have made your relationship special over the years. While it may be very sweet to think about, it can also be a bit nerve-wracking. Weddings tend to cost a good chunk of change and you need to be prepared for the financial side of things.

You may have a general idea of what to expect when planning for your wedding. There will be some costs that are quite obvious, such as the caterer and officiant, but there are bound to be other financial demands that arise without you even realizing it. Take a moment to look over some of the hidden wedding costs and how you can avoid some of the more hefty price tags along the way of planning your big day.

Invitation Blues

During the initial planning phase of your wedding, you are most likely going to come up with some type of succinct guest list. All couples go about this process differently, depending on the overall size of the anticipated event. If you have a lot of family and friends and are trying to plan a wedding on a budget, then you may run into some difficulties with cutting down the guest list. There may not be an easy way to limit your wedding list, but there are hidden costs to pay attention to when planning.

The invitations are a cost of which you are probably already fairly aware. Unfortunately, many couples neglect to remember that actually mailing invites will wind up costing money. The postage required to get all of your invites to their intended destinations can easily add up. Before you start planning your invites, take a moment to calculate the postage that will be involved. Knowing this number right away will help you to better plan for this part of your special day.

Taxation With or Without Representation

While planning your wedding, it is also important to think about the various taxes that will be attached to the services you are using. Taxes are nothing new. Most people have a general idea of the fact that goods and services come with various additional fees. Unfortunately, services that are associated with weddings tend to have larger costs overall and this leads to more hefty taxes. As you are going through the planning of your wedding, write down the estimated taxes on each service. Doing this will give you a feel for what you need to have ready in advance.

It is also good practice to keep in mind the various gratuities that will be associated with your wedding. Though the actual costs of services will be taken care of in your invoices, you need to remember that the men and women working to make your wedding special need a bit of additional attention. Prepare tips in advance, and put someone in your wedding party in charge of giving out the tips at the end of your reception so you don’t have to worry about forgetting.

An Affair to Remember

Your wedding is going to be an important day. While there will definitely be plenty of stressful moments during the planning phase, it is easy to calm yourself when you take enough time to plan. Consider the various hidden costs that will be associated with your wedding and include these numbers in your budget. Having insight as to what your event will wind up costing will limit the amount of financial stress you feel and allow you space to actually enjoy the celebration of love between you and your partner.

Category: Wedding Planning Marriage


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