Woman With Food AllergiesNo matter how meticulous you might be about planning each detail of your wedding, you never can quite predict the future. The old saying of “if you want to make God laugh, make a plan” tends to hold true. Though you may have thought about bad weather, drunken guests, and flaky vendors, there is still a slew of potential problems that may have slipped your mind. Luckily, many brides and grooms have encountered these troubles and taken it upon themselves to share words of wisdom on the internet to other happy couples.

Give yourself a moment to look over some of these wedding mishaps you may not have thought about yet. While you don’t want to expect the worse, having a little bit of insight into potential disasters can definitely provide you with the information you need to think on the fly and fix any brewing problems.

Everyone Has Restrictions 

Allergies are on a fast rise these days. In fact, studies conducted by the Center for Disease Control & Prevention revealed that the number of students with allergies doubled between 1997 and 2011. Peanut sensitivities specifically seemed to skyrocket, nearly tripling in the number of children with an inability to consume peanuts. While you may know some of the allergies your guests might have, you probably don’t know the dietary restrictions of each and every person who will be in attendance on your big day.

To avoid this, you’re going to want to check with your guests and ask about allergies directly. Many couples do this on their invitations these days, as guests can simply write in any pertinent information about what they can and can’t eat. This extra step can help you avoid the uncomfortable situation of someone who is deathly allergic to tree nuts being given a dish covered in them. Should it be too late to include this on the invitations, try and contact all your guests beforehand to confirm.

Parking Restrictions 

Nowadays, people tend to hold their weddings at all sorts of interesting locations. Whether you and your partner want to host your reception at a renovated barn or a converted marble factory, you need to make sure your guests have a place to park. Nothing is going to be more of an obstacle to keeping a tight schedule than having half of your guests struggling to find a place to leave their cars. A failure to think about this can also reflect poorly on you and your significant other, as it can be a very big deal.

Before you finalize your venue, be sure to talk to someone about parking options. If parking is tight and there doesn’t seem to be a solution, you may want to tell your guests that parking is limited and guests should try to carpool if possible. Since plenty of people like to drink at weddings, this can be an easy way to ensure most people don’t make the foolish decision of getting behind the wheel after having a few alcoholic beverages.

Don’t Forget the Photos

Finally, you need to remember that you and your significant other are going to need to take some photos in your wedding day outfits. Many couples opt to do this task in the time between their ceremonies and receptions. Of course, not all couples will have this window. As long as you remember you need to take the photos, you’ll be able to find a sensible time to sneak away to do it.

Before your big day arrives, it can be useful to have a general idea of what common problems might occur. The more time you give yourself to plan out solutions, the easier it is going to be for you to enjoy your wedding with minimal stress.

Category: Wedding Planning

wedding day receptions

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