
With A New Foreword By Neil deGrasse Tyson

$18.99 In Stock
This edition of Cosmos has a forward by Neil DeGrasse Tyson and an introduction by Ann Druyan, the creative director of NASA's Voyager Interstellar Message.
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Cosmos Details

Famous scientist Carl Sagan and his fellow professors discuss the universe in the one of the top selling scientific books of all time. The success of the book lies in its easy to understand theories and well explained ideas made approachable to all. Sagan receives high praise for his magnificently lyrical literary style. You don't need to be a scientist to understand and follow along with this discussion.

Facts and theories about our amazing multiverse are discussed and explored in this thought provoking text with full color illustration. Topics covered range from space missions, the origin of life, Egyptian hieroglyphics, to the human brain and much more.

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