Two Wooden HeartsFamilies are interesting. While you might have a strong connection with your family, you may also realize that the members of your clan are not as open or friendly as you would like. If you are planning on getting married in the near future, and you know that your family does not get along well with the family of your significant other, then you could be feeling stressed about the future. Luckily, there are many easy ways for you to make a difference with this sensation of dread.

Instead of feeling powerless to stop the arguments or biting comments made after a few drinks are had, you need to take action. This is your wedding, and you do not have to allow your guests to act like children. Take a moment to consider a few of the many ways that you will be able to make a positive difference with this situation. With enough planning, you will be able to avoid conflict and forget all about the petty squabbles of your friends and close relations.

Avoid Easy Answers

Many couples make a common, but terrible mistake when trying to solve the problem of disagreeing families. What will happen, more often than not, is the couple will decide to not invite specific members of their families who can be inflammatory or volatile. Unfortunately, this only serves to make matters worse. The relatives who are not invited cannot be avoided forever, and it will only be a matter of time before you and your spouse have to face the music in regards to why you did not invite these people.

Instead of avoiding the problem altogether, you will find that it is much more helpful to invite the entire crowd. You may, however, find that it is more productive to keep your reception short. If there are many people present who could begin a fight, then have enough of a reception to eat cake and do a toast. You can have an after party for the members of your guest list who you actually want to celebrate with, and you won’t have to deal with spurned relatives or fights breaking out on the dance floor.

Ditch the Wedding

Having a handful of people to look out for can be stressful, but what if your entire family is hard to put up with? If you and your partner are not looking forward to your wedding because of all of the big personalities who will be coming along for the ride, then this can take a toll on your spirits. Your wedding is all about you and your significant other, and if you are spending too much time worrying about your guests, then you aren’t really the sole focus of the event.

It may not be what you had in mind, but plenty of couples have found peace by avoiding the wedding entirely. Instead of having to plan an event that will only serve to make you more stressed and anxious, you might find that it can be a lovely idea to elope with your partner. Go to city hall with some close friends, sign the necessary paperwork, and begin your life as a married team. This decision can also help you to save money, allowing you a bigger budget for your honeymoon.

No Haters Allowed

Your wedding day is supposed to be a special occasion for you and your significant other. If you are not careful with how you plan for your wedding, it could turn into a negative event that haunts you for the rest of your life. Consider helpful and productive ways to avoid disaster and you will easily be able to enjoy your special day.

Category: Universal Life Church

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