A happy coupleDating someone that you connect with can be nice, but it is not always easy to know if you have found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. There are plenty of questions that are going to come up the longer you are with someone. Marriage might not be for everyone, but it is a ritual that most people in the world wind up going through once the perfect partner has been discovered. Knowing you have found the right partner is not always something that will be clear to you.

Many people expect they will just know when they are with someone they should marry. This is mainly due to the media and the various ways that love has been expressed through art and music over the years. It is often shown to be a monumental moment, one with fireworks and bells and all kinds of joyful noise. In truth, it is a quiet thing. Here are a few ways for you to know that you’re with someone worth marrying.

A Listening Game

Though all people are different, there are a few specific traits you can look for in a quality partner that will prove true across the board. First, one of the most important skills for a potential mate to have is the ability to listen. Communication is the cornerstone of all relationships, romantic and otherwise, and this skill goes far beyond simply being able to converse with your significant other. Both sides of the relationship have to learn to listen. Without the ability to actually hear what someone is saying, you are not able to truly communicate. 

If you are with someone who never really seems to be listening to you, then this could be a sign you’re not with the right person. Poor communication skills can be worked on, but there needs to be a will to change. Someone who does not listen and has no desire to change should raise a lot of flags. Without strong communication, your relationship is not going to last the way that you had hoped it would and a marriage can only serve to convolute matters.

Without Trust

You also need to make sure you trust the person you are with before you can consider marriage. Trust is tricky, however, because there are times when it has to be regained in a relationship. If you are with someone who has hurt you badly, you may have the impulse to cut and run. However, you also might want to work on your relationship and move forward. If you stay with a person who has caused you pain, you need to make sure you rebuild trust together.

Without trust, it can be hard to love someone. If you are always on edge wondering what the other half of your relationship is up to, then you are never really able to sink into the moment and enjoy your own life. A lack of trust will ruin your life, not only your relationship, and should be a very strong sign that you should not marry the person you are with. 

Take Your Time

Marriage is not something you are going to want to rush right into. In fact, it can often prove more fruitful to take many years before proposing. The idea that you need to propose within a specific amount of time is absurd and has no foundation. You propose and marry when you find that you are ready to make that step. Take time to think about your partner and see if you feel like you have the right amount of trust and love to make a commitment. In time, you will know if you are with the right person.

Category: Marriage


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