How to Officiate a Wedding

How to Officiate a Wedding

The wedding officiant is in charge of leading the proceedings and helping the bride and groom form their legal union. But officiating a wedding involves more than just showing up for the service and going through the formalities. Careful thought and attention are required to ensure the ceremony not only forms a legally binding commitment, but also creates a memorable experience for everyone involved. Below we’ll give some basic instructions about how to officiate a wedding.

Before the Ceremony

Before the big day, an officiant works with the couple to plan a personalized ceremony and determine the overall pace of the event. The officiant must also ensure they are authorized to perform ceremonies in the state where the service will take place. Some jurisdictions ask for official documents (such as a physical certificate with a raised seal) before they give the go ahead. It is the officiant’s responsibility to have the appropriate paperwork on hand in case they’re asked to produce it. On a final note: ample time should be allowed to get any such details sorted out prior to the wedding date.

After the Ceremony

After the vows have been exchanged, it is the job of the officiant to make sure the marriage license is filled out properly and signed by all necessary parties. Note that in some states, witnesses are required to sign the document in addition to the couple and the officiant. Once completed, this paperwork is then filed with a local government clerk to establish the formation of a legal union.

Become a Wedding Officiant Today

Become part of a happy couple’s lifelong commitment to each other by joining the ranks of ULC ministers. Get your minister license, learn how to officiate a wedding, and start serving friends, family and your community as an official spiritual and legal minister today!