Wedding Vow Renewal Ceremony Script
Minute Ceremony
Renewing vows with one’s life partner is a wonderful way to mark milestone occasions in a relationship, or to simply reinforce a commitment to one another. This type of ceremony can be structured in a variety of different ways; below you’ll find an example of one popular way to design a wedding vow renewal script.
_______________ and _______________, I am honored to share this special day with you and your guests. While many people may think that their wedding day is the pinnacle of a couple’s union, in reality it is just one step in a life-long journey. This journey will at times challenge your bond and test your convictions but the enduring love the two of you share for each other has given you the strength to face them head on. Today we gather to celebrate the eternal love and devotion you have for each other by renewing the vows you made to your partner many years ago.
Marriage is a covenant that grows stronger through time. To quote actress Simone Signoret, "Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads, which sew people together through the years." Today we weave another thread into the bonds of your marriage.
I’d now like to thank the friends and family who have joined us today to celebrate this renewal of vows. For those of you who were fortunate enough to witness the first ceremony in which _______________ and _______________ exchanged their marital vows all those years ago, you have had the pleasure of witnessing the love and respect between these two flourish and prosper. Today, we again have the honor to witness _______________ and _______________ renew their commitment in marriage as a gesture of their unending devotion.
On your wedding day you were undoubtedly provided with advice on how to build your relationship into an everlasting marriage. Now, years later, you stand here together as living proof of your success in applying this advice to your marriage.
The journey you are on together continues to this day. As your love and respect for each other continues to grow and build upon the bedrock you laid those years ago, remember the lessons you have learned along the way. Continue to nurture your relationship with love, forgiveness, and trust and your marriage will flourish for years to come.
Facing the challenges of life together is what makes the bonds of marriage so rewarding and worthwhile. As long as you continue to give your partner support, encouragement, and compassion day after day, your mutual commitment to each other will provide you with the strength and courage to accomplish your goals together.
As you stand here today to renew your vows, remember what brought the two of you together. The ceremony we are here to celebrate, with your loved ones here as witnesses, allows you to make your sacred bonds stronger and reassert the promises you made to one another on the day of your marriage.
Throughout the history of humankind, love has been the most timeless treasure we can seek. The 19th century author George Eliot once opined, “What greater thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that they are joined for life–to strengthen each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting?”
Today Eliot’s wisdom can be seen in _______________ and _______________ as they stand before us, ready and willing to reaffirm the vows that first joined their souls together.
Exchange of Vows
_______________ and _______________ , it is now time for you to share, once again, the vows you have made for each other and to renew your commitment of love.
_______________, will you please go first?
Partner 1:
_______________, the love we have for each other which binds us together through marriage is something that I always cherish. I am grateful to be able to wake up every morning and choose to be with you, and today and each day forth I continue to choose you. My love for you has grown stronger and more unconditional since the day we first wed, and I know it will continue to grow day after day, year after year. Today I renew my vows to cherish you, support you, love you, and dedicate myself to you for as long as I shall live.
_______________ , it’s now your turn.
Partner 2:
_______________, the love we have for each other which binds us together through marriage is something that I always cherish. I am grateful to be able to wake up every morning and choose to be with you, and today and each day forth I continue to choose you. My love for you has grown stronger and more unconditional since the day we first wed, and I know it will continue to grow day after day, year after year. Today I renew my vows to cherish you, support you, love you, and dedicate myself to you for as long as I shall live.
_______________ and _______________ please join hands.
_______________, do you take _______________ as your spouse, continuing the bond forged by your undying love for one another, and commit to cultivating your union as long as you both shall live?
_______________: I do.
_______________, do you take _______________ as your spouse, continuing the bond forged by your undying love for one another, and commit to cultivating your union as long as you both shall live?
_______________: I do.
Exchange of Rings
On your wedding day, you exchanged the rings you wear today. These rings are a symbol of the continuous love and commitment you make to each other every day. Much like your love for one another, these wedding bands can survive great pressure, and they will endure the tests of time.
Please repeat after me:
I, _______________, give you this ring as an everlasting symbol of my love for you and our marriage. It shall always be found around your finger, and you will always be found in my heart.
I, _______________, give you this ring as an everlasting symbol of my love for you and our marriage. It shall always be found around your finger, and you will always be found in my heart.
Officiant (to guests):
I am honored to pronounce _______________ and _______________ as, once again, happily married! May the renewal of your vows strengthen the love you share and reaffirm your commitment to each other. I invite you to share a kiss and seal the renewal of your vows!
Ladies and gentlemen, I once again present to you Mr./Mrs./Mx. and Mr./Mrs./Mx. _______________, their commitment renewed this day for all to see. May your life together be filled with joy and your love be forever bountiful.