Bride and groom holding unity candles at wedding

Unity Candle Wedding Script

  • 13 Minute Ceremony

There are few symbols more fitting of ever-lasting love than two flames uniting as one. This wedding script seamlessly incorporates the lighting of a unity candle into the marriage ceremony, and can be customized as-needed or printed out and used immediately.

Welcome Statement

OFFICIANT (to congregation):

Please be seated. We are gathered here today in the presence of God, family and friends to celebrate the marriage of _________ and _________. Today, they enter into one of life’s most important and sacred partnerships.


OFFICIANT (to congregation):

It was very important to _________and _________that we take some time today to honor the two wonderful families who have guided them to this very moment. Their love, support, and endless encouragement have prepared our bride and groom to step into their new lives with optimism and grace. A wedding is not only a union of two soulmates, but a declaration of the lives that have come before them: modeling love and raising children into the people who stand before you today.

Lighting of the Candles:

OFFICIANT (to congregation):

In a few moments, we will join _________and ______________ together as one. Their union will produce an abundance of love and growth which, overflowing from their marriage, will extend out to their families, both near and far.

We have three candles here at the altar. The two candles on either side represent the blessing of this marriage by each family. The unity candle in the center represents the merging of both families together as one - strong, supportive, and enduring.

As representatives of _________’s family, we have _________and _________coming forward to light their candle.

As representatives of _________’s family, we have _________and _________coming forward to light their candle.

Please come forward to the altar and light your candles at this time.

(Families light each of their candles and step back to the audience)

OFFICIANT (to congregation):

Now, as a testament to their faith and commitment to their families and to each other, _________and _________will take their respective candles. As they join the two flames together over the unity candle, a new flame will be born. This new flame symbolizes the beginning of their own family, and bids honor and respect to the families that have brought them here today.

OFFICIANT (to couple):

_________and _________, please step forward and take your candles.

(Couple join candles together until flame unites over the unity candle)

OFFICIANT (to congregation):

Thank you. With the blessings of your families, we will now exchange vows.

Declaration of Intent

OFFICIANT (to congregation):

With the full support of their newly blended community, _________and _________stand here before God to declare their faith and commitment to one another.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

Please repeat after me.


I, _________, take you, _________, to be my wedded husband/wife/partner. I vow to accept you, in all of your strength and weaknesses, as my family from this day forward. I vow to offer you a safe space to call home every day. I vow to cherish and protect our commitment as if it were my lifeline. I vow to honor our families before us, and to sacrifice for the family we will build together. I vow to hold you in the highest esteem as my partner and best friend.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

Ok, _________ please repeat after me.


I, _________, take you, _________, to be my wedded husband/wife/partner. I vow to accept you, in all of your strength and weaknesses, as my family from this day forward. I vow to offer you a safe space to call home every day. I vow to cherish and protect our commitment as if it were my lifeline. I vow to honor our families before us, and to sacrifice for the family we will build together. I vow to hold you in the highest esteem as my partner and best friend.

Ring Exchange

OFFICIANT (to congregation):

Please bring forward the rings. Just as the unity candle represents the merging of your two families into one, these two rings, unbreakable in their strength, represent the beauty of the commitment you’ve made here today.

(Couple exchanges rings)



By the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church Ministries, before God, your family, and your friends, I now pronounce you spiritually and lawfully united. You may kiss.

(Couple kisses; everyone stands; couple exits down the aisle)

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