Wedding couple leaving after short wedding ceremony

Short Wedding Ceremony Script

  • 14 Minute Ceremony

A wedding ceremony doesn’t have to be a lengthy affair. This short wedding script gets right to the point, keeping the audience’s attention and including all the necessary legal elements of a marriage ceremony without dragging things out.


OFFICIANT (to congregation):

Friends and family, we are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of _______________ and _______________ in marriage. Thank you for coming to witness their declaration of love for each other with this life-long commitment.

The joining of two people in marriage is a historic tradition binding a couple together with their love and devotion to each other. The vows they make today represent this commitment to their partner and serve as the foundation of their union.

As we reflect on the love these two people share for each other, I wish to share a quote from the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu:

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

Despite this quote originating over 2000 years ago, its message still resonates today as the love between _______________ and _______________ gives them the strength and courage to face life's challenges head on, hand-in-hand, for years to come.

I now ask _______________ and _______________ to officially make their commitment to this marriage.

Declaration of Intent

OFFICIANT (to _______________):

Do you, _______________ take _______________ to be your husband/wife/partner? To love and cherish them as long as you live?

_______________: I do.

OFFICIANT (to _______________):

And do you, _______________ take _______________ to be your husband/wife/partner? To love and cherish them as long as you live?

_______________: I do.

Vow/Ring Exchange

OFFICIANT (to congregation):

The rings you exchange today are the physical embodiment of the love you share. They represent the commitment made today and the devotion of yourself to your partner as a continuous, unending band.

Whenever you look at your rings, remember the feelings you share on this day and let the love and devotion you have for each other continue to fill each day of your marriage.

And now I ask the couple to repeat after me as they exchange their rings..

OFFICIANT (to _______________):

Please take this ring as a token of my love for you above all others. I promise to respect and support you wholeheartedly through whatever challenges life may bring. With this ring I am yours.

(message is repeated)

OFFICIANT (to _______________):

Please take this ring as a token of my love for you above all others. I promise to respect and support you wholeheartedly through whatever challenges life may bring. With this ring I am yours.

(message is repeated)

Closing Statement

OFFICIANT (to congregation):

Marriage is a beautiful commitment you make to one another as you devote yourself fully and freely to your partner. Remember to make your partner feel loved and appreciated with each new day of your union. Cherish the special feeling of joy you bring each other, and your marriage will evolve into an endless circle of love and support.

The Pronouncement

OFFICIANT (to congregation):

It is my honor to now officially introduce Mr./Mrs./Mx. and Mr./Mrs./Mx. _______________. You may now seal your union with your first kiss as a married couple!

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