Wedding couple wearing non-traditional wedding shoes.

Non-Traditional Wedding Ceremony Script

  • 12 Minute Ceremony

A wedding can be as traditional or as unique as the happy couple prefers. For example, no law states that a white bridal gown or a black tuxedo must be worn by one or both of the people getting married. The law does usually require a declaration of intent to marry by both parties and a formal pronouncement of the pair as married, but everything else is up to the couple and you as their officiant! Let this nontraditional wedding ceremony script provide a guide for you, the couple, and anyone else involved with the planning to develop a unique approach to the ceremony.

How to Build a Nontraditional Wedding Script

Some people dream of a wedding that features time-honored traditions such as a multi-tiered cake and marching down the aisle to “Here Comes the Bride.” Others seek a nontraditional wedding to incorporate their unique preferences, or perhaps to accommodate an unusual venue or location.

Ordained ministers through the ULC are frequently asked to help produce a nontraditional wedding officiant script to solemnize the couple’s union and make their nuptials memorable. Here are some hints to consider as you plan and prepare:

  • Meet with the couple well in advance of the wedding to discuss their vision for the ceremony. This will give you time to get to know them and their relationship and to develop a ceremony that is tailored to their specific needs and wishes.
  • Be prepared to answer questions from the couple and their guests. Many people are unfamiliar with nontraditional weddings, so it is helpful to be able to explain the ceremony process and answer any questions that they may have.
  • Enjoy the ceremony! Nontraditional weddings can be a lot of fun, so relax and enjoy the experience of celebrating the couple’s love.

Creating a ceremony that is meaningful to the couple and their loved ones is of the utmost importance. Be flexible, open-minded, and creative as you develop a script. Here’s a humorous script version that you can tweak as little or as much as you like:

Introduction/Welcome/Wedding Sermon

OFFICIANT (to guests, when the partners are ready to begin the ceremony after everyone has entered or is seated)::

Good morning/afternoon/evening, family, friends, and VIPs. We’ve all seen ____________ and ____________ cosplay as life partners, and we’re ready to see them make things official. I know some of us are excited, some of us are relieved, and the rest of us thought we’d never see the day. (smile)

OFFICIANT (to couple):

____________ and ____________, the two of you decided that it’s time to do what needs to be done, and you’ve decided to marry. I’m here to make sure this ceremony goes down correctly because who wants to pay twice for a wedding?

Life isn’t always a barrel of laughs, but like the great philosopher Mary Poppins once said, “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.” If you find someone willing to put up with you, might as well kick things off with some champagne and cake.

Now we’ll hear something super profound about getting hitched.


OFFICIANT or family/friend to the couple (to guests):

“To keep your marriage brimming

With love in the loving cup

Whenever you’re wrong, admit it;

Whenever you’re right, shut up.”

-”Poem” by Ogden Nash

Declaration of Intent

OFFICIANT (to couple):

First things first. I’ve got to make sure that both of you want to marry each other, so please look at each other and do something cute like hold hands.

____________ and ____________, are you sure you want to take each other as legally wedded spouses?

(Couple should answer in the affirmative).

Exchanging of Rings

OFFICIANT (to the couple):

It seems you two are serious about going all the way. Here’s the part where you get to exchange rings.

(Couple places rings on each other’s fingers)

Exchanging of Vows

OFFICIANT (to the couple):

Now, you will exchange vows.

(Sample vow below):

Partners (to each other): I ____________, take you __________, to be my spouse, my official emergency contact, and the person legally obligated to laugh at my jokes and tell me that I look good every day, as long as we’re both taking up space and oxygen.


OFFICIANT (to the couple):

____________ and ____________, by the power granted to me by the Universal Life Church, you are officially married! Now we can all get on to the party. You may now swap saliva!

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