Humanist Wedding Ceremony Script
Minute Ceremony
This wedding ceremony script is intended for those interested in a nontheistic, nonreligious tradition. While it includes the must-haves such as the declaration of intent and pronouncement, this script does not make references to any deities or religions. A humanistic approach emphasizes the individuality and agency of human beings, so even the reading comes from a nonreligious source, emphasizing the ability of humans to create and convey themes of love in an irreligious context. The language here is also gender-inclusive.
Welcome one and all. We are assembled here both in person and online to witness the union of ___________ and _____________. The happy couple is thrilled and honored that you all have made arrangements to be a part of this shining moment in their lives. You all have been a part of this couple’s journey prior to this moment and have decided to continue to be a part of their circle of support.
_______________ and _______________, we are so excited to witness this next chapter in your love story. One of the greatest things about being alive is the ability to pursue happiness on one’s own terms. We are honored that the two of you have found each other and invited us to be with you as you declare your intent to officially become spouses.
“Love is a temporary madness, it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion, it is not the desire to mate every second minute of the day, it is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every cranny of your body. No, don't blush, I am telling you some truths. That is just being "in love," which any fool can do. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident.”
- "Captain Corelli's Mandolin" by Louis De Bernieres
_______________ and _______________, please join hands and face each other and repeat after me. ______________, do you take _______________ to be your lawfully wedded spouse, your faithful partner through life’s ebbs and flows until death?
Partner 1:
I do.
______________, do you take _______________ to be your lawfully wedded spouse, your faithful partner through life’s ebbs and flows until death?
Partner 2:
I do.
_______________ and _______________, now you will exchange vows in the presence of your circle.
_______________, please proceed.
Partner 1:
I, _______________, take you, _______________, as my lawfully wedded spouse. I will be your biggest cheerleader, your co-conspirator, and a safe space where you’re free to shed your armor. This is my promise to you.
_______________, now it’s your turn.
Partner 2:
I, _______________, take you, _______________, as my lawfully wedded spouse. I don’t know what life will bring, but I promise to walk alongside you every step of the way. I am your partner, your strategist, your support system, and your heart-friend.
Fittingly, the rings you exchange are circular in shape. We observe circles commonly in the natural world, particularly the sun, the moon, and the very planet Earth where the two of you stand. A circle is a complete shape, representing the peace of knowing that you’ve found each other. These circles of precious metals symbolize your desire to be your best self, individually and together. May the permanent nature of these wedding rings remind you of the love you share and the commitment you’ve made.
_______________, please place the ring on _______________’s finger and repeat after me. “_______________, I place this ring on your finger, committing my best self to you and you alone.”
Partner 1:
I place this ring on your finger, committing my best self to you and you alone.
_______________, please place the ring on _______________’s finger and repeat after me. “_______________, I place this ring on your finger, committing my best self to you and you alone.”
Partner 2:
I place this ring on your finger, committing my best self to you and you alone.
_______________ and _______________, you have declared your intent to marry in accordance with the laws of land. You have committed to each other as spouses through the exchange of vows and rings.
By the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church Ministries, I now pronounce you married. You may now kiss each other if you'd like to.