Bride and groom's hands united during handfasting wedding ceremony

Handfasting Ceremony Script

  • 14 Minute Ceremony

Integrating the timeless unity ceremony of handfasting into a wedding can create an extra layer of meaning for the couple and their guests. Use this script as an example of how to tastefully incorporate handfasting into the proceedings!

The Invocation

Officiant (to guests):

Friends and family of _______________ and _______________, I’m happy to welcome you to the joining of this happy couple in marriage. We are gathered here today to support them as they celebrate taking this next step together.

Marriage isn’t something you enter on a whim. It is an equal partnership founded upon shifting, unequal commitments. Marriage is rarely fifty-fifty. In marriage, you will often be required to honor commitments you cannot fully understand. The mark of a successful marriage is that you meet these commitments with patience, honesty, and love—even as you fail.

Over time, you will realize that the “burdens” placed upon you by life are not loads to be carried—they are opportunities. Each day is an opportunity to be shared with your life partner; the dawn of each day brings new experiences. Make the most of them! Embrace them.

Speak Now (optional)


If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Declaration of Intent

Officiant (to Partner 1):

_______________, now is the time. Do you take _______________ to be your lawful wedded partner?

Partner 1:

I do.

Officiant (to Partner 2):

_______________, do you take _______________ to be your lawful wedded partner?

Partner 2:

I do.

Vows & Ring Exchange

Officiant (to guests):

The couple will now exchange their rings and vows.

Officiant (to Partner 1):

_______________, please take out your ring and place it on _______________’s hand.

Partner 1 (to Partner 2):

_______________, with this ring, I take you as my partner in life, to have and to hold. From this day forward, we will be wed–for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.

Partner 2 (to Partner 1):

_______________, with this ring, I take you as my partner in life, to have and to hold. From this day forward, we will be wed–for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.

Handfasting and Closing Words

Officiant (to guests):

As part of their wedding ceremony, _______________ and _______________ have asked me to also commemorate their marriage through a handfasting ceremony.

Officiant (to couple):

Please place your hands together as you both begin your new life as one.

[Officiant speaks while beginning to wrap the handfasting ribbon around the couple’s hands]

Handfasting is an old and venerable tradition that dates back almost ten thousand years. As I wrap this ribbon around your hands, I want you to think about what you think marriage means. Marriage will deepen your commitment to one another and strengthen the respect and support you each bring to your relationship.

Your challenge is to grow with one another, to offer each other compassion and understanding, and to take each new challenge and adventure as it comes as a team. With each wrap of the ribbon, I give my blessing as an officiant that your marriage will be so. Let this bond be strong and loving


Officiant (to guests):

By the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church and the state of _______________, I officially pronounce you married! Now, you may kiss!

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