Couple embracing under wedding arch at fall wedding

Halloween Wedding Ceremony Script

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    Minute Ceremony

When most people think about Halloween, they think about all things scary, or they have fond childhood memories of eating copious amounts of candy. However, there are plenty of people who find this spooky time of year magical in a romantic way. If you’ve always dreamed of tying the knot on Halloween, then you may need a little help with how to arrange the ceremony. Look over this example script and learn how to get started.

Introduction/Welcome/Wedding Sermon

[One important point to note is that you can play into the holiday as much or as little as you’d prefer. For some, this will simply entail festive decorations like pumpkins. Others may wish to invoke Vincent Price-levels of campy creepiness. The suggestions here are a bit more generic in order to give you room to play.]

Officiant (to guests):

Greetings one and all. We gather on this hallowed day when the spirit world is most active to join the living in celebrating the union of ____________ and ____________. Let us call upon the memories of all who have come before to bless this sacred bond.

Officiant (to couple):

_______________ and _______________, your loved ones have all come here today to wish you well on these first exciting steps of your journey. Let us stand for a moment and bask in the glow of love that has been created.


A Halloween wedding reading can take many forms. If you want to go with a text that many people present will recognize, consider the popular choice of using some sweet lyrics from the Halloween-meets-Christmas film “The Nightmare Before Christmas.”

“My dearest friend, if you don't mind

I'd like to join you by your side

Where we can gaze into the stars

And sit together, now and forever

For it is plain as anyone can see

We're simply meant to be.”

- “Simply Meant To Be,” “The Nightmare Before Christmas”

Declaration of Intent

Officiant (to couple):

As the spirits move through the air, I now ask _______________ and _______________ to move closer together and join hands as you declare your intent to one another. I now ask for you to respond with “I do.” Do you, ____________________, take ___________ to be your partner in the legal bonds of marriage?

Partner 1:

I do.

Officiant (to Partner 2):

And to you, _________. Do you take ____________ to be your lawfully wedded spouse?

Partner 2:

I do.

Though not all ceremonies will feature personalized vows, it is a very common trend among couples of all backgrounds. If you want to make the most of your custom vows, feel free to add some Halloween elements into the mix and keep your guests engaged. The suggestions here are again more generic so that you can make tweaks to best fit your needs.

Officiant (to couple):

I now ask the couple to stand before those gathered today in order to read the personalized vows they have crafted for this moment. _______________ and _______________, please turn to each other and speak for all present to hear. /p>

Partner 1:

________ , you are my world and my soul. No matter what scary twists and turns the future may bring, I will forever be yours. From this day until the end of my days, I pledge my life and my heart to you.

Partner 2:

________, you bring unending joy to my life. In the darkest and most frightening of nights, I find comfort and endless wisdom in your light. I will forever stand by you as your partner and honor you in all ways.

Officiant (to couple):

Just as this sacred holiday teaches us that the end of life is a transition into the world of spirits, so does marriage teach us of the eternal nature of love. I ask the rings to be brought to the couple so that they may now be exchanged. ___________, please place your ring on your partner’s finger and repeat after me. “With this ring, I promise to honor you forever with my love.”

Partner 1:

“With this ring, I promise to honor you forever with my love.”

Officiant (to Partner 2):

Now I ask _______________ to place your ring on _______________’s finger and repeat the same. “With this ring, I promise to honor you forever with my love.”

Partner 2:

“With this ring, I promise to honor you forever with my love.”


Officiant (to couple):

It is now my pleasure to state that _______________ and _______________ have come here of their own free will and pledged their love and devotion to each other before all to witness. By the power that has been given to me by the Universal Life Church Ministries, I am happy to pronounce you officially married. Please honor this moment with a kiss for all to celebrate!

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