Atheist couple smiling during secular wedding ceremony

Atheist Wedding Ceremony Script

  • 12 Minute Ceremony

For many atheists and agnostics, having a wedding performed by a traditional church minister just doesn't ring true to their beliefs or values. This more secular wedding ceremony script delivers all the romance a loving couple deserves, but without any unwanted mentions of a God.


OFFICIANT (to congregation):

Please be seated. We are gathered here today in the presence of family and friends to celebrate the wonderful marriage of _________ and _________.

Today is a day that _________ and _________ have been thinking about for a long time. Today, their journey as two separate souls comes to an end, and married life begins. The gratitude in this room today is overwhelming; we all have so much to be grateful for as we have all played a part - large or small - in the success of this relationship. _________ and _________ extend their deepest gratitude to you for being here to support and encourage them as they cross the threshold into a wondrous new chapter.

Gratitude Prayer

OFFICIANT (to congregation):

In the spirit of gratitude, please join me as we offer thanks and blessings for this day and this marriage. Let us read together.

We are thankful for this beautiful day.
We are thankful for the joy that is found in love.
We are thankful to witness this opportunity,
for it is one borne out of love.
We extend gratitude to those around us,
for our community has made this union so.
We extend gratitude to our loved ones,
for they are lights in all of our lives.
We extend gratitude for patience,
as love always works on its own time.
We are grateful for this day to celebrate!
We celebrate love, just as it is, and as it always will be

Thank you. With the blessings of your families and friends, we will now exchange vows.

Vow Exchange

OFFICIANT (to congregation):

With the full support of their newly blended community, _________ and _________ stand ready to declare their commitment to one another.

OFFICIANT (to couple):

You may now share your vows.

(Vows written by the couple may be substituted at their discretion)


My love, from this day forth I promise to love you with all my heart. I promise to nurture you in sickness and in health. I promise to encourage you in low moments and high moments. I promise to be your unyielding support through all that life has in store for us. With this love, I promise you companionship, respect, and devotion. From this day forward, my heart belongs to you.


My love, from this day forth I promise to love you with all my heart. I promise to nurture you in sickness and in health. I promise to encourage you in low moments and high moments. I promise to be your unyielding support through all that life has in store for us. With this love, I promise you companionship, respect, and devotion. From this day forward, my heart belongs to you.

Declaration of Intent

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________ do you take _________ to be your lawfully-wedded husband/wife/partner?

_________: I do.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

And _________ do you take _________ to be your lawfully-wedded husband/wife/partner?

_________: I do.

Ring Exchange

OFFICIANT (to congregation):

_________ and _________ have asked _________ to hold the rings. Please come forward with the rings at this time.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________ please take your husband/wife/partner’s hand in yours. As you place the ring on his/her/their wedding finger, repeat these words:

With this ring, I give you my heart.

_________: With this ring, I give you my heart.

OFFICIANT (to _________):

_________ please take your husband/wife/partner’s hand in yours. As you place the ring on his/her/their wedding finger, repeat those same words:

With this ring, I give you my heart

_________: With this ring, I give you my heart.

(Couple exchanges rings)


OFFICIANT (to congregation):

By the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church Ministries, I now pronounce you lawfully wed! Let’s start this marriage off with love - you may kiss!

(Couple kisses; everyone stands; couple exits down the aisle)

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